
А.О. Омельчук
Автор(и) (англ)
A.O. Omelchuk
Дата публікації:


Анотація (укр):

Розкрито значення розробки і реалізації державних та регіональних цільових програм в системі державного регулювання економіки. При цьому наголошено на доцільності застосування методології проектного менеджменту.

Анотація (рус):

Раскрыто значение разработки и реализации государственных и региональных целевых программ в системе государственного регулирования экономики. Отмечается целесообразность применения при этом методологии проектного менеджмента.

Анотація (англ):

The lack of effective functioning of market mechanisms and the need for deep and rapid structural changes in the national economy requires the using of public programming of the economy. The main task of programming as a form of public regulation of economy regulation is to maintain economic balance, the impact on qualitative changes of the economy and its development stimulation. The development and implementation of public and regional target programs in the system of public regulation are mentioned in the article. Public target programs are defined as the tools of governance. It helps to analyze the condition of the national economy in general and regional economic complexes in particular, to show issues that are not regulated by market mechanisms, and to promote the elaboration and implementation of the individual social and economic tasks. Program-target method is a way to solve large-scale and complex social and economic problems by developing and implementing by authorities (involving participants, performers) of interrelated system funds aimed at achieving relevant targets for obviation, suppression or mitigation of the identified problem. The need for the application of project management methodology in the development and implementation of state programs are shown in the paper.


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