В роботі представлено можливість застосування моделі обмеженої раціональності для вирішення завдання формування проєктних команд для розробки та впровадження ІТ-систем. Для досягнення мети виконано такі завдання: зроблено огляд стандартів у галузі інформаційних технологій, що визначають вимоги до трудових ресурсів, які залучаються на виконання проєктних робіт; представлено модель обмеженої раціональності для підбору виконавців у проєктну команду, що ґрунтується на параметрах та характеристиках умов реалізації проєкту та досягнення загальної мети проєкту; розроблено формальний опис підбору виконавців і генерації проєктної команди для розроблення та впровадження ІТ-систем у відповідності до функціональних вимог проєкту. Головним чинником розроблення та впровадження інформаційних систем є ґрунтовний підхід щодо призначення виконавців на проєктні роботи. Саме формування проєктної команди, в умовах залучення обмежених трудових ресурсів, що супроводжують проєкт при його реалізації, вимог до проєктних задач, є основним чинником в успішній реалізації цілого проєкту. Особливість формування проєктних команд, що займаються розробленням та впровадженням ІТ-систем за гнучкими методологіями, коли план реалізації проєкту може змінюватись на кожній ітерації, визначає обмеження щодо вимог до якості реалізації окремих ітерацій проєкту. Використання моделей обмеженої раціональності дає змогу балансувати між вимогами до цілого проєкту та вимогами до конкретних проєктних задач відповідно до можливих залучень виконавців для максимально ефективного їх підбору. Обґрунтовано важливість підбору трудових ресурсів у проєктну команду з відповідними рівнями компетенції та кваліфікації для можливості виконання всіх задач проєкту.
The paper presents the possibility of applying the model of limited rationality to solve the forming project teams for the IT systems development and implementation problem.To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and achieved: a review of standards in the field of information technology, which determine the requirements for labor resources involved in the project work was performed; a model of limited rationality for the selection of executors in the project team, which is based on the parameters and characteristics of the project conditions and the achievement of the overall project goal was presented; a formal description of the selection of executors and generation of a project team for the IT systems development and implementation in accordance with the functional requirements of the project. The main factor in the development and implementation of information systems is a thorough approach to the appointment of workers for project work. It is the formation of a project team in the context of attracting limited labor resources that work on the project during its implementation and the requirements for project tasks, is the main factor in the successful implementation of the whole project. According to flexible methodologies, when the project implementation plan may change at each iteration, the peculiarity of the project teams formation involved in the IT systems development and implementation determines the limitations on the quality requirements for individual project iterations. The use of models of limited rationality allows to balance between the requirements for the whole project and the requirements for specific project tasks in accordance with the possible involvement of executors for the most effective selection. The importance of selection of labor resources in the project team with the appropriate levels of competence and qualification for the possibility of performing all project tasks was substantiated.
- Gladka M., Kravchenko O., Hladkyi Ya., Borashova Sh.. Qualification and appointment of staff for project work in implementing IT systems under conditions of uncertainty. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies. Astana IT University. NUR-SULTAN, KAZAKHSTAN. APRIL 28-30, 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/SIST50301.2021.9465897
- Sherstiuk O., Kolesnikov O., and Lukianov D., “Team Behaviour Model as a Tool for Determining the Project Development Trajectory,” 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory, ATIT 2019, pp. 496-500, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ATIT49449.2019.9030497
- Гладка М. В. Моделі та методи мультиагентного розподілу трудових ресурсів в ІТ проєктах в умовах невизначеності: дис…. канд. техн. наук, Київ, 2021. 247 с.
- Lukianov D., Kolesnikov O., Dmitrenko K., Gogunskii V. Analysis of the structural models of competencies in project management. (2017) Technology audit and production reserves, 4-11. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2017.100393
- Biloshchytskyi A., Biloshchytska S., Kuchansky A., Bielova O. and Andrashko Y., "Infocommunication system of scientific activity management on the basis of project-vector methodology," 2018 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET), Slavske, 2018, pp. 200-203, URL: https://doi.org/10.1109/TCSET.2018.8336186
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- Gladka M., Hladkyi Y. Use Taboo Search to assign artists to project work. Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Technical Internet-Conference "Modern methods, information, software and technical support of management systems of organizational, technical and technological complexes", November 20, 2019. - K: NUFT, 2019 - 234 p.
- Gogunskii V., Kolesnikov О., Kolesnikova K., Lukianov D. «Lifelong learning» is a new paradigm of personnel training in enterprises. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2016. № 4/2 (82). Р. 4–10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15587/1729- 4061.2016.74905
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- Kolesnikov О., Gogunskii V., Kolesnikova K., Lukianov, D., Olekh, T., Development of the model of interaction among the project, team of project and project environment in project system. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2016, рр. 20-26 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2016.80769
- Boyko R., Shumyhai D., Gladka M.. Сoncept, Definition and Use of an Agent in the Multi-agent Information Management Systems at the Objects of Various Nature. Recent Advances in Systems, Control and Information Technology. Proceedings of the International Conference SCIT 2016, May 20-21, 2016, Warsaw, Poland. pp 59-63 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48923-0 Series
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- Lizunov, P., Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Yu., Biloshchytska, S. (2020). The use of probabilistic latent semantic analysis to identify scientific subject spaces and to evaluate the completeness of covering the results of dissertation studies. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 4/4 (106). 14–20.
- Tasevska F., T. Damij, N. Damij. Project planning practices based on enterprise resource planning systems in small and medium enterprises. A case study from the Republic of Macedonia. International Journal of Project Management. 2014. Vol. 32, Issue 3. P. 529 – 539. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2013.08.001.
- Andriushchenko, K., Buriachenko, A., Rozhko, O., Lavruk, O., Skok, P., Hlushchenko, Y., Muzychka, Y., Slavina, N., Buchynska, O., & Kondarevych, V. (2020). Peculiarities of sustainable development of enterprises in the context of digital transformation. Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues, 7 (3), 2255—2270. DOI: http://doi.org/10.9770/jesi.2020.7.3 (53)
- Gladka, M., Kravchenko, O., Hladkyi, Ya., Borashova, Sh. (2021). Qualification and appointment of staff for project work in implementing IT systems under conditions of uncertainty. Proccc. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies. Astana IT University. NUR-SULTAN, KAZAKHSTAN. APRIL 28-30, 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/SIST50301.2021.9465897
- Sherstiuk, O., Kolesnikov, O. & Lukianov, D. (2019). Team Behaviour Model as a Tool for Determining the Project Development Trajectory. Procc. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory, ATIT 2019, pp. 496-500, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ATIT49449.2019.9030497
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- Lukianov, D., Kolesnikov, O., Dmitrenko, K., Gogunskii, V. (2017). Analysis of the structural models of competencies in project management. Technology audit and production reserves, 4–11. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2017.100393
- Biloshchytskyi, A., Biloshchytska, S., Kuchansky, A., Bielova, O. & Andrashko, Y. (2018). Infocommunication system of scientific activity management on the basis of project-vector methodology. Procc. 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET), Slavske, 2018, pp. 200-203, URL: https://doi.org/10.1109/TCSET.2018.8336186.
- Leonova, Yu. V., Fedotov, A. M. (2019). Analisys of requirements for the creation of an information system for managing information resources to support scientific activities. Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, 7, 3, 70–93.
- On support of the national framework of professional information. (2011). Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of November 23, №1341. Retrieved from: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1341-2011-%D0%BF#Text
- Gladka, M., Hladkyi, Y. (2019). Use Taboo Search to assign artists to project work. Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Technical Internet-Conference "Modern methods, information, software and technical support of management systems of organizational, technical and technological complexes", November 20, 2019. Kyiv: NUFT, 2019 – 234 p.
- Gogunskii, V., Kolesnikov, О., Kolesnikova, K., Lukianov, D. (2016). «Lifelong learning» is a new paradigm of personnel training in enterprises. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4/2 (82), 4–10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2016.74905.
- Muravetskyi, S. A. & Kramskyi, S. O. (2016). Planning of quality assurance processes in large and geographically distributed hybrid IT-projects. Bulletin of NTU «KhPI», 1, 106–109. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20998/2413-3000.2016.1173.21.
- Kravchenko, O., M. Stepanov, S. Besedina, O. Mezentsev, N. Telichko O. (2020). Methods and models of determining compatibility management team IT. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, 4, 35, 266-276. doi: https://doi.org/10.18371/fcaptp.v4i35.222085
- Kolesnikov, О., Gogunskii, V., Kolesnikova, K., Lukianov, D., Olekh, T. (2016). Development of the model of interaction among the project, team of project and project environment in project system. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 20-26 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2016.80769
- Boyko, R., Shumyhai, D., Gladka, M. (2016). Сoncept, Definition and Use of an Agent in the Multi-agent Information Management Systems at the Objects of Various Nature. Recent Advances in Systems, Control and Information Technology. Proceedings of the International Conference SCIT 2016, May 20-21, 2016, Warsaw, Poland. pp 59-63 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48923-0 Series.
- Katrenko, A.V. (2011). IT project management. L: New World-2000, 550. ISBN 978-966-418-148-5.
- International Project Management Association. Individual Competence Baseline Version 4.0. (2015). International Project Management Association, 432.
- Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Paliy, S., Biloshchytska, S., Bronin, S., Andrashko, Y., Shabala, Y. & Vatskel, V. (2018). Development of technical component of the methodology for projectvector management of educational environments. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(2(92)), 4-13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2018.126301
- Mashukova, N. Basic instructions that achieve the quality of the workforce. Retrieved from www.myshared.ru/slide/179699/
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- Orlova, O. (2017). Features personnel management in information technology field. Bull. Uzhgorod national university, 11, 117–120.
- Gladka, M., Hladkyi, Y. (2020). Reducing the Risks of Completing Tasks in IT Projects. Through Personalized Distribution Among Participants. Procc. 86 International scientific conference of young scientist and students "Youth scientific achievements to the 21st century nutrition problem solution", April 2–3, 2020. Book of abstract. Part 1. NUFT, Kyiv. Р. 384.
- Aleskerov, F., Monjardet, B. (2002). Utility maximization, choice and preference. Berlin: Springer.
- Kolesnikov, O., Kolesnikova, K., Lukianov, D., Sherstyuk, O. Pro(2019) ject manager job description as one of project management key success factors. Herald of Advanced Information Technology, 2, 3, 215–228 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15276/HAIT.03.2019.5
- Lifchitz, A., Jhean-Larose, S., Denhiere, G. (2009). Effect of tuned parameters on an LSA multiple choice questions answering model. Behavior Research Methods, 41 (4), 1201–1209. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3758/BRM.41.4.1201. PMID 19897829
- Novikov, D.A. (2001). Management of active systems: stability or efficiency. Systems science, 26, 2, 85–93.
- Herstatt, Cornelius, Verworn, Birgit, Nagahira, Akio. (2003). Reducing project related uncertainty in the “fuzzy front end” of innovation. A comparison of German and Japanese product innovation projects. Arbeitspapier, 18.
- Morozov, V., Kalnichenko, O. (2018). Construction of an integrated model of management pro-cesses of IT projects on the basis of a proactive approach. In Monograph “Moden management: Economy and Administration”. Opole (Poland): The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 82–89.
- Lj, M., Todorović, D., Petrović, Č., Mihić, M., Obradović, V., Bushuyev, S. (2015). Project success analysis framework: A knowledge-based approach in project management. International Journal of Project Management, 33, 4, 772–783. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2014.10.009.
- Lizunov, P., Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Yu., Biloshchytska, S. (2020). The use of probabilistic latent semantic analysis to identify scientific subject spaces and to evaluate the completeness of covering the results of dissertation studies. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4/4 (106), 14–20.
- Tasevska, F., Damij, T., Damij, N. (2014). Project planning practices based on enterprise resource planning systems in small and medium enterprises. A case study from the Republic of Macedonia. International Journal of Project Management, 32, 3, 529–539. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2013.08.001.
- Andriushchenko, K., Buriachenko, A., Rozhko, O., Lavruk, O., Skok, P., Hlushchenko, Y., Muzychka, Y., Slavina, N., Buchynska, O. & Kondarevych, V. (2020). Peculiarities of sustainable development of enterprises in the context of digital transformation. Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues, 7 (3), 2255–2270. DOI: http://doi.org/10.9770/jesi.2020.7.3 (53).