Досліджено цільові засади концепцій інформаційного моделювання в будівництві (BIM) як інноваційного напряму оновлення операційних систем будівельних підприємств в умовах нестабільного економічного бізнес-середовища. Використовуючи світовий досвід, визначено та обґрунтовано передумови й необхідність упровадження концепції цифрової трансформації будівельних організацій. Виявлено і охарактеризовано основні перешкоди цифрової трансформації будівельних організацій: трансформаційні, інноваційні та управлінські. Сформовано основні етапи формування успішної цифрової стратегії будівельної організації. Для вироблення єдиного бачення цифрової трансформації організації запропоновано докорінну перебудову процесів з метою отримання максимальних вигод від цифровізації діяльності, навчання персоналу і набір нових співробітників з урахуванням вимог до їхньої цифрової грамотності. Проаналізовано та систематизовано складнощі та вигоди, які можуть виникати при запровадженні інформаційного моделювання. Сформульовано конкурентні переваги, які отримують учасники інвестиційно-будівельного процесу від застосування BIM. Технології інформаційного моделювання в будівництві можуть стати важливим інструментом для аналізу великих обсягів даних, генерації інформації і знань, оскільки після завершення кожного з етапів реалізації будівельного проєкту залишаються великі набори даних. Накопичені дані можуть бути корпоративним активом, набуття й використання якого допомагає складати кращі прогнози та приймати правильні управлінські рішення. Крім того, знання, які виникли в проєкті та пройшли випробування практикою, можна вважати більш надійними порівняно з даними експериментів або моделювання, оскільки вони містять більше основоположних знань щодо реальності.
The article investigates the target principles of information modeling concepts in construction (BIM) as an innovative direction of updating the operating systems of construction companies in an unstable economic business environment. Based on the world experience, the preconditions and necessity of introduction of the concept of digital transformation of construction organizations are determined and substantiated. The main obstacles to the digital transformation of construction organizations are identified and characterized: transformational, innovative and managerial. The main stages of formation of a successful digital strategy of a construction organization are formed. To develop a unified vision of the digital transformation of the organization, it is proposed to radically restructure the processes in order to get the most out of digitalization, staff training and recruitment, taking into account the requirements of their digital literacy. The difficulties and benefits that may arise when implementing information modeling are analyzed and systematized. The competitive advantages that participants of the investment and construction process receive from the use of BIM are formulated. Information modeling technologies in construction can be an important tool for big data analysis, information generation and knowledge, because after the completion of each stage of the construction project remains large data sets. Accumulated data can be a corporate asset, the acquisition and use of which allows you to make better forecasts and make the right management decisions. In addition, the knowledge gained in the project and tested in practice can be considered more reliable than the data of experiments or simulations, because they contain more basic knowledge of reality.
- Bryde D., Broquetas M., Volm J. M. The project benefits of Building Information Modelling (BIM). International Journal of Project Management 2013; 31:971–80.
- Ganah A., John G. A. Integrating Building Information modeling and health and safety for onsite construction. Saf Health Work 2015; 6: 39–45.
- Wetzel E. M., Thabet W. Y. The use of a BIM-based framework to support safe facility management processes. Automation in Construction 2015; 60:12–24.
- Khaddaj M, Srour I. Using BIM to retrofit existing buildings. Procedia Engineering 2016; 145:1526–33.
- Trach R., Lendo-Siwicka M. Zastosowanie sieciowej struktury organizacyjnej w zintegrowanej realizacji przedsięwzięcia budowlanego. Przegląd Naukowy – Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska (2018), 27 (1), 84–92.
- Trach R., Bushuyev S. Analysis communication network of construction project participants. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences (2020), 29 (3), 388–396.
- Tormosov, R., Chupryna, I., Ryzhakova, G., Prykhodko, D., Faizullin, A. Establishment of the rational economic and analytical basis for projects in different sectors for their integration into the targeted diversified program for sustainable energy development SIST 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies, 2021, 9465993
- Сhupryna Khrystyna, C., Derkach, A., ...Slipenchuk, A., Mukhatayev, A. Formalization of the System of Indicators of Economic Stability of the Construction Enterprise in the Conditions of Digitization of Economy SIST 2021 – 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies, 2021, 9465966.
- Honcharenko, T., Ryzhakova, G., Borodavka, Y. Method for representing spatial information of topological relations based on a multidimensional data model ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciencesthis link is disabled, 2021, 16(7), стр. 802–809.
- Petro Kulikov, Galyna Ryzhakova, Tetyana Honcharenko, Dmytro Ryzhakov and Oksana Malykhina. OLAP-Tools for the Formation of Connected and Diversified Production and Project Management Systems International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering Vol 9, No.5, September – October 2020. рр. 8670-8676. Available Online at http://www.warse.org/IJATCSE/static/pdf/file/ijatcse254952020.pdf https://doi.org/10.30534/ijatcse/2020/254952020.
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- Ryzhakova, Galyna, Malykhina, Oksana, Rуzhаkov, Dmуtrо, (2018). Risk-management in the system of management of integration processes as a component of modernization of Ukrainian economy. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 36, 113 – 119.
- Marchuk Tetyana. Identification of the basic elements of the innovation analytical platform for energy efficiency in project financing. Investment Management and Financial Innovations. 2017. Vol. 14(4), pp. 12 DOI:http://10.21511/imfi.14(4).2017.02.
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- Рижакова Г. М., Рижаков Д. А., Шпакова Г. В. Оцінка продуктивності операційної системи девелопера в мікросередовищі стейкхолдерів житлового будівництва Шляхи підвищення ефективності будівництва в умовах формування ринкових відносин. 2019. Вип. 42. С. 120–131. URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/shpebfrv_2019_42_16
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- Ryzhakova, Galyna, Petrukha, Serhiy. The innovative technology for modeling management business process of the enterprise. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE). No. 8 (4), pp. 4024 – 4033. DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D8356.118419.
- Mihaylenko, V., Honcharenko, T., Chupryna, K., Liazschenko, T. Integrated Processing of Spatial Information based on Multidimensional Data Models for General Planning Tasks International Journal of Computing, 2021, 20 (1), pр. 55–62.
- Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Y., Biloshchytska, S., Danchenko, O. (2019). Development of Infocommunication System for Scientific Activity Administration of Educational Environment's Subjects. 2018 International Scientific-Practical Conference on Problems of Infocommunications Science and Technology, PIC S and T 2018 – Proceedings, 8632036. С. 369–372.
- Biloshchytskyi, A., Myronov, O., Reznik, R., (...), Paliy, S., Biloshchytska, S. (2017). A method to evaluate the scientific activity quality of Heis Based on a scientometric subjects presentation model. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6 (2-90). С. 16–22.
- Bushuyev, S., Verenych, O. (2018). Organizational maturity and project: Program and portfolio success (Book Chapter). Developing Organizational Maturity for Effective Project Management. С. 104–127.
- Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Y., (...), Shabala, Y., Lyashchenko, T. (2017). A method for the identification of scientists' research areas based on a cluster analysis of scientific publications. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5 (2-89). С. 4–11.
- Bushuyev, S. D., Bushuyev, D. A., Rogozina, V. B., Mikhieieva, O. V. (2015). Convergence of knowledge in project management. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, IDAACS 2015, 2,7341355, с. 496–500.
- Bryde, D., Broquetas, M., Volm, J. M. (2013). The project benefits of Building Information Modelling (BIM). International Journal of Project Management, 31, 971–980.
- Ganah, A., John, G. A. (2015). Integrating Building Information modeling and health and safety for onsite construction. Saf Health Work, 6, 39–45.
- Wetzel, E. M., Thabet W. Y. (2015). The use of a BIM-based framework to support safe facility management processes. Automation in Construction, 60, 12–24.
- Khaddaj, M, Srour, I. (2016). Using BIM to retrofit existing buildings. Procedia Engineering, 145, 1526–1533.
- Trach, R., Lendo-Siwicka, M. (2018). Zastosowanie sieciowej struktury organizacyjnej w zinteg, rowanej realizacji przedsięwzięcia budowlanego. Przegląd Naukowy – Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska, 27 (1), 84–92.
- Trach, R., Bushuyev, S. (2020). Analysis communication network of construction project participants. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 29 (3), 388–396.
- Tormosov, R., Chupryna, I., Ryzhakova, G., Prykhodko, D., Faizullin, A. (2021). Establishment of the rational economic and analytical basis for projects in different sectors for their integration into the targeted diversified program for sustainable energy development SIST 2021 – 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies, 2021, 9465993
- Сhupryna, Khrystyna, Derkach, A., ...Slipenchuk, A., Mukhatayev, A. (2021). Formalization of the System of Indicators of Economic Stability of the Construction Enterprise in the Conditions of Digitization of Economy SIST 2021 – 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies, 2021, 9465966
- Honcharenko, T., Ryzhakova, G., Borodavka, Y. (2021). Method for representing spatial information of topological relations based on a multidimensional data model ARPN. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciencesthis link is disabled, 16(7), 802–809.
- Kulikov, Petro, Ryzhakova, Galyna, Honcharenko, Tetyana, Ryzhakov, Dmytro & Malykhina, Oksana. (2020). OLAP-Tools for the Formation of Connected and Diversified Production and Project Management Systems. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9, 5, 8670-8676. Available Online at http://www.warse.org/IJATCSE/static/pdf/file/ijatcse254952020.pdf https://doi.org/10.30534/ijatcse/2020/254952020.
- Ryzhakova, Galyna, Malykhina, Oksana, Ruchynska, Yulia & Petrenko, Anna. (2019). Economic and managerial predictors of strategic development in a dynamic environment of construction projects implementation. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 39, 154–163. dx.doi.org\10.6084/m9.figshare.11340710.
- Ryzhakova, Galyna, Prykhodko, Dmitry, Predun, Konstantin, Lugyna, Tatyana & Koval, Timur. (2017). Models of target selection of representative indicators of activities of construction enterprises: the etymology and typology of systems of diagnostics. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 32, 159–165.
- Ryzhakova, Galyna, Malykhina, Oksana, Rуzhаkov, Dmуtrо. (2018). Risk-management in the system of management of integration processes as a component of modernization of Ukrainian economy. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 36, 113–119.
- Marchuk, Tetyana. (2017). Identification of the basic elements of the innovation analytical platform for energy efficiency in project financing. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 14(4), 12. DOI:http://10.21511/imfi.14(4).2017.02.
- Ryzhakova, G., Chupryna, K., Ivakhnenko, I. (2020). Expert-analytical model of management quality assessment at a construction enterprise. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 3, 71–82.
- Ryzhakova, Galyna, Rуzhаkov, Dmуtrо & Shpakova, Наnna. (2019). Evaluating the performance of the developer's operating system in the micro-environment of housing stakeholders. Ways to increase the efficiency of construction in the formation of market relations, 42, 120–131. URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/shpebfrv_2019_42_16
- Bilousov, O. M. (2019). Economic and managerial aspects of the formation of the investment portfolio of the developer in the construction industry. Business-navigator, 6.1, 1(56), 239–246.
- Ryzhakova, Galyna, Rуzhаkov, Dmуtrо & Shpakova, Наnna. (2018). Providing economic-reproductive and analytical-controlling functions of tools for asset management of housing developers. Ways to increase the efficiency of construction in the formation of market relations, 38, 36–44. URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/shpebfrv_2018_38_6.
- Ryzhakova, Galyna, Petrukha, Serhiy. (2019). The innovative technology for modeling management business process of the enterprise. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8 (4), 4024–4033. DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D8356.118419.
- Mihaylenko, V., Honcharenko, T., Chupryna, K., Liazschenko, T. (2021). Integrated Processing of Spatial Information based on Multidimensional Data Models for General Planning Tasks. International Journal of Computing, 20 (1), 55–62.
- Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Y., Biloshchytska, S., Danchenko, O. (2019). Development of Infocommunication System for Scientific Activity Administration of Educational Environment's Subjects. 2018 International Scientific-Practical Conference on Problems of Infocommunications Science and Technology, PIC S and T 2018 – Proceedings, 8632036, Pp. 369–372.
- Biloshchytskyi, A., Myronov, O., Reznik, R., (...), Paliy, S., Biloshchytska, S. (2017). A method to evaluate the scientific activity quality of Heis Based on a scientometric subjects presentation model. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6 (2-90), 16–22.
- Bushuyev, S., Verenych, O. (2018). Organizational maturity and project: Program and portfolio success (Book Chapter). Developing Organizational Maturity for Effective Project Management, 104–127.
- Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Y., (...), Shabala, Y., Lyashchenko, T. (2017). A method for the identification of scientists' research areas based on a cluster analysis of scientific publications. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5 (2-89), 4–11.
- Bushuyev, S. D., Bushuyev, D. A., Rogozina, V. B., Mikhieieva, O. V. (2015). Convergence of knowledge in project management. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, IDAACS, 2, 7341355, pp. 496–500.