
Ланських Є. В., Помогайбо Д. А., Губа Є. А.
Автор(и) (англ)
Lanskykh Ye., Pomohaibo D., Huba Ye.
Дата публікації:


Анотація (укр):

У сучасному світі IT-аутсорсинг набуває широкого розповсюдження, надаючи можливість компаніям концентруватися на основних компетенціях і ефективно зменшувати витрати. Проте зі зростанням застосування аутсорсингу виникають нові виклики, зокрема в контексті нестабільних ринкових умов. Зміни в технологічному ландшафті, непередбачуваність вимог замовників та коливання ринку стають викликами для управління ресурсами в аутсорсингових проєктах. Відсутність виваженої стратегії управління ресурсами призводить до втрати як конкурентних позицій, так і зниження ефективності операційної діяльності компанії. Ця стаття спрямована на дослідження проблем розподілу ресурсів в аутсорсингових IT-компаніях, акцентуючи увагу на питанні саме їх оптимізації та ефективного використання. В умовах глобалізації і стрімкого технологічного прогресу важливість оптимізації ресурсів стає ключовим завданням технологічних компаній. Стаття доводить необхідність розроблення нових методів управління ресурсами в умовах ринкової нестабільності та високої невизначеності. Запропоновані методи матимуть потенціал не лише для оптимізації ресурсів, а й для забезпечення конкурентних переваг в умовах бурхливих змін ринкової кон'юнктури. Дослідження ґрунтується на аналізі сучасних тенденцій і практичному досвіді, що підтверджує актуальність вибраної проблематики.

Анотація (рус):

Анотація (англ):

In the modern world, IT outsourcing is becoming widely popular, offering companies the opportunity to focus on core competencies and effectively reduce costs. However, with the increasing use of outsourcing, new challenges arise, particularly in the context of unstable market conditions. Changes in the technological landscape, unpredictability of client requirements, and market fluctuations pose challenges for resource management in outsourcing projects. The lack of a balanced resource management strategy leads to the loss of competitive positions and decreased operational efficiency. This article aims to investigate the issues of resource allocation in IT outsourcing companies, focusing on their optimization and effective utilization. In the era of globalization and rapid technological progress, the importance of resource optimization has become a key task for technological companies. The article argues the necessity of developing new resource management methods in conditions of market instability and high uncertainty. The proposed methods will have the potential not only to optimize resources but also to provide competitive advantages in the face of turbulent market changes. The research is based on the analysis of current trends and practical experience, confirming the relevance of the chosen issue.


  1. Winter 2021: Top 10,000 and Record Growth Rates, website. URL: https://dou.ua/articles/top-50-winter-2021/ (Retrieval date: December 4, 2023).
  2. Failed September and IT Reduction, website. URL: https://opendatabot.ua/analytics/itexport-sept (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  3. IT Services – The Only Growing Business Sector, website. URL: https://opendatabot.ua/analytics/itexport-increased-2022 (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  4. Job Market During Wartime: Decrease in Job Vacancies, Active Companies, website. URL: https://dou.ua/articles/job-markt-during-wartime (accessed: December 4, 2023) URL: https://dou.ua/articles/job-markt-during-wartime (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  5. Summer 2022: 3% Decrease in the Number of Specialists, website. URL: https://dou.ua/articles/top-50-summer-2022/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  6. IT Job Market Overview, April 2023: Lowest Number of Vacancies in Three Years, website. URL: https://dou.ua/lenta/articles/it-job-market-april-2023/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  7. Top 50 IT Companies in Ukraine, Winter 2023: 5,000 Fewer Specialists Due to Relocation, website. URL: https://dou.ua/lenta/articles/top-50-winter-2023/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  8. IT Outsourcing in Ukraine in 2023: Market Overview, Rates, and Benefits, website. URL: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/outsourcing-ukraine-2023-market-overview-rates-benefits-varyence/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  9. Ukraine Crisis Puts Global IT Outsourcing on Edge, website. URL: https://www.cio.com/article/306959/ukraine-crisis-puts-global-it-outsourcing-on-edge.html (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  10. Ukraine IT Outsourcing Dips, But Startups Bring New Energy, website. URL: https://www.techtarget.com/searchITChannel/news/366549953/Ukraine-IT-outsourcing-dips-but-startups-bring-new-energy (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  11. IT Outsourcing to Ukraine in 2023: The General Country Overview, website. URL: https://www.techtarget.com/searchITChannel/news/366549953/Ukraine-IT-outsourcing-dips-but-startups-bring-new-energy (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  12. Who Outsources to Ukraine in 2023 and Why: Risks and Profits, website. URL: https://alcor-bpo.com/your-own-rd-office-news/outsourcing-to-ukraine/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  13. 25% Abroad, Legalization, and Relocation: Top IT Companies in Ukraine Sum Up Q4 2023, website. URL: https://highload.today/uk/it-kompaniyi-ukrayini-pidbili-pidsumki-statistika-zima-2023/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  14. Top 50 IT Companies in Ukraine, Winter 2023: 5,000 Fewer Specialists Due to Relocation | DOU, website. URL: Top 50 IT Companies in Ukraine, Winter 2023: 5,000 Fewer Specialists Due to Relocation | DOU (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  15. IT Job Market Overview, April 2023: Lowest Number of Vacancies in Three Years, website. URL: https://dou.ua/lenta/articles/it-job-market-april-2023/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  16. Djinni Analytics for September: Low Demand for Developers Continues, website. URL: https://djinniblog.substack.com/p/sept-analytics (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  17. Anaplan vs. Workday 2023 | Gather Peer Insights, website. URL: https://www.gartner.com/reviews/market/financial-planning-software/compare/anaplan-vs-workday-hcm (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  18. Top Workforce Planning Software – 2023 – SelectSoftware Reviews, website. URL: https://www.gartner.com/reviews/market/financial-planning-software/compare/anaplan-vs-workday-hcm (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  19. Best Cash Flow Management Software Tools for Busy FP&A Teams, website. URL: https://www.cubesoftware.com/blog/best-cash-flow-management-software-tools (accessed: December 4, 2023)
  20. Top Workforce Planning Software – 2023 – SelectSoftware Reviews, website. URL: https://www.gartner.com/reviews/market/financial-planning-software/compare/anaplan-vs-workday-hcm (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  21. The Place and Advantages of Outsourcing in Resource Management, website. URL: https://oprofix.com/en/the-place-and-advantages-of-outsourcing-in-resource-management/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).


  1. Winter 2021: Top 10,000 and Record Growth Rates, website. URL: https://dou.ua/articles/top-50-winter-2021/ (Retrieval date: December 4, 2023).
  2. Failed September and IT Reduction, website. URL: https://opendatabot.ua/analytics/itexport-sept (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  3. IT Services – The Only Growing Business Sector, website. URL: https://opendatabot.ua/analytics/itexport-increased-2022 (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  4. Job Market During Wartime: Decrease in Job Vacancies, Active Companies, website. URL: https://dou.ua/articles/job-markt-during-wartime (accessed: December 4, 2023) URL: https://dou.ua/articles/job-markt-during-wartime (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  5. Summer 2022: 3% Decrease in the Number of Specialists, website. URL: https://dou.ua/articles/top-50-summer-2022/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  6. IT Job Market Overview, April 2023: Lowest Number of Vacancies in Three Years, website. URL: https://dou.ua/lenta/articles/it-job-market-april-2023/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  7. Top 50 IT Companies in Ukraine, Winter 2023: 5,000 Fewer Specialists Due to Relocation, website. URL: https://dou.ua/lenta/articles/top-50-winter-2023/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  8. IT Outsourcing in Ukraine in 2023: Market Overview, Rates, and Benefits, website. URL: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/outsourcing-ukraine-2023-market-overview-rates-benefits-varyence/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  9. Ukraine Crisis Puts Global IT Outsourcing on Edge, website. URL: https://www.cio.com/article/306959/ukraine-crisis-puts-global-it-outsourcing-on-edge.html (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  10. Ukraine IT Outsourcing Dips, But Startups Bring New Energy, website. URL: https://www.techtarget.com/searchITChannel/news/366549953/Ukraine-IT-outsourcing-dips-but-startups-bring-new-energy (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  11. IT Outsourcing to Ukraine in 2023: The General Country Overview, website. URL: https://www.techtarget.com/searchITChannel/news/366549953/Ukraine-IT-outsourcing-dips-but-startups-bring-new-energy (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  12. Who Outsources to Ukraine in 2023 and Why: Risks and Profits, website. URL: https://alcor-bpo.com/your-own-rd-office-news/outsourcing-to-ukraine/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  13. 25% Abroad, Legalization, and Relocation: Top IT Companies in Ukraine Sum Up Q4 2023, website. URL: https://highload.today/uk/it-kompaniyi-ukrayini-pidbili-pidsumki-statistika-zima-2023/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  14. Top 50 IT Companies in Ukraine, Winter 2023: 5,000 Fewer Specialists Due to Relocation | DOU, website. URL: Top 50 IT Companies in Ukraine, Winter 2023: 5,000 Fewer Specialists Due to Relocation | DOU (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  15. IT Job Market Overview, April 2023: Lowest Number of Vacancies in Three Years, website. URL: https://dou.ua/lenta/articles/it-job-market-april-2023/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  16. Djinni Analytics for September: Low Demand for Developers Continues, website. URL: https://djinniblog.substack.com/p/sept-analytics (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  17. Anaplan vs. Workday 2023 | Gather Peer Insights, website. URL: https://www.gartner.com/reviews/market/financial-planning-software/compare/anaplan-vs-workday-hcm (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  18. Top Workforce Planning Software – 2023 – SelectSoftware Reviews, website. URL: https://www.gartner.com/reviews/market/financial-planning-software/compare/anaplan-vs-workday-hcm (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  19. Best Cash Flow Management Software Tools for Busy FP&A Teams, website. URL: https://www.cubesoftware.com/blog/best-cash-flow-management-software-tools (accessed: December 4, 2023)
  20. Top Workforce Planning Software – 2023 – SelectSoftware Reviews, website. URL: https://www.gartner.com/reviews/market/financial-planning-software/compare/anaplan-vs-workday-hcm (accessed: December 4, 2023).
  21. The Place and Advantages of Outsourcing in Resource Management, website. URL: https://oprofix.com/en/the-place-and-advantages-of-outsourcing-in-resource-management/ (accessed: December 4, 2023).