Розглянуто характерні властивості ініціації проектів і побудовано уніфіковану модель проектного управління із застосуванням однорідних ланцюгів Маркова з дискретними часом і станами. Показано, що результативність проектів визначається законом ініціації проектів, який сформульовано С.Д. Бушуєвим.
Рассмотрены характерные свойства инициации проектов и построена унифицированная модель проектного управления с применением однородных цепей Маркова с дискретными временем и состояниями. Показано, что результативность проектов определяется законом инициации проектов, который сформулирован С.Д. Бушуевым.
The level of scientific knowledge in any field is determined by the degree of abstraction of knowledge expressed in the form of laws. The Law of Bushuev S.D.: "The project team and its turbulent environment constitute a system in which existing relationships determine the outcome of the project." Allegations of this low finds, that a management subsystem and disturbing in any project interact. The result of their interaction are decisions. Thus, information relationships that form the basis of different structures of organization and technical management, along with the characteristics of the efficiency of individual processes projects are essential characteristics of project-based management. To move from qualitative evaluation project properties to the quantitative characteristics proposed based on the characteristic features of the initiation of projects to build a unified model of project management with the use of homogeneous Markov chains with discrete time and states. Application of Markov chains to determine the probabilities of states technical or social systems based on structural and parametric likeness of the originals of their Markov model mapping. Examined the characteristics of initiation of projects and built a unified model of project management with the use of homogeneous Markov chains. It is shown that the impact of projects is determined by the law of initiating projects that are formulated S.D. Bushuev.
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1. Bushuev, S. D., Gogunsky, V.D., Koshkin, K.V. (2012). Directions dissertation research in the specialty "Management of projects and programs". Management of complex systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA,12, 5 – 7.
2. Bushuev, S. D. (2005). The development of knowledge management technologies and projects. Project Managemen. Pub. H. "Grebennkova". № 2 ( 2), 18 – 24.
3. Beloshchytskyi, A.A. (2012). Management problems in the methodology of design vector control educational environment. Management of complex systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA, 9, 104 – 107.
4. Morozov, V.V., Cherednichenko, A. M., Shpilova, T.I.(2009). Formation, management and development of the project team (behavioral competencies). University of Economics and Law “STEP”. Kyiv, Ukraine, Pub. H. “Tucson”, 464 p.
5. Gogunsky, V.D., Rudenko, S.V. (2008). Basic Laws of Project Management. IV International Conference"Project Management: Status and Prospects". Nikolaev, NUS, 37 – 40.
6. Weisman, V.A., Gogunsky, V.D., Rudenko, S.V. (2009). Theory of design project management: rationale law of Bushuev. Scientific Proceedings of International Humanitarian University, Odessa: MHU, 9 – 13.
7. Bondar, V.I., Gogunsky, V.D. (2009). Manifestation Law Koshkina K.V. in bad projects: features, properties, results. Project management: status and prospects: Internat. scientific-practical. conf. Nikolaev, NUS, 111 – 112.
8. Gogunsky, V.D., Rudenko, S.V., Teslenko, P.A. (2012). Justification law on competitive properties projects. Management of complex systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA, 8, 14 – 16.
9. Rudenko, S.V. (2009). Formulation of a scientific proposition Turner on development projects in the form of a law. Proceedings of the VI International Conference "Project Management in the development of society". Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA, 161 – 163.
10. Teslenko, P.A. (2009). Strategiya and tactics development projects based on the law - Turner Rudenko. Project management and development of production. Collected Works, Lugansk, publisher EUNU Dalya: 1( 29), 98 – 105.
11. Bushueva, N.S. (2007). Models and methods for proactive management of organizational development programs. Kyiv, Ukraine: Science's World, 270.
12. Gogunsky, V.D., Zhuravleva, K.V. Reference model of development projects “driving force – resistance”. VII Intern. conf. “Project Management in the development of society”. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA, 67 – 68.
13. Rudenko, S.V., Kolesnikova, K.V., Bondar, V.I. (2012). Network project management processes in the context of mapping of the project. Problems of Technics: Science and production magazine. Odessa, Ukraine: ONMU, 4, 61 – 67.
14. Rudenko,S.V., Romanenko, M.V., Katunina, O.G., Kolesnikova, K.V. (2012). Development of the Markov model state changes in patients projects providing medical services. Management of complex systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA, 12, 86 – 89.
15. Kolesnikova, K.V., Weisman, V.A., Velichko, S.O. (2012). Markov model development status of the project -driven organizations. Current technology in mechanical engineering: Collected Works, Kharkov, Ukraine: NTU “KPI”, 7, 217 – 222.
16. Oborskaya, A.G., Gogunsky, V.D. (2005). Model effects of communications for advertising project management. Pratsi of the Odessa Polytechnic University. Odessa, Ukraine: ONPU, 31 – 34.
17. Yakovenko, V.D., Gogunsky, V.D. (2009). Forecasting of the quality management system of the institution. System Research and Information Technologies, 2, 50 – 57.
18. Kolesnikova, K.V., Glowackaya, S.M., Rudenko S.V. (2013). Modeling strategic management international activities of the University. Problems of Technics: Science and production magazine. Odessa, Ukraine: ONMU, 1, 95 – 101.
19. Olekch, T.M., Oborskaya, A.G., Kolesnikova, K.V. (2012). Methods of evaluation of projects and programs. Pratsi of the Odessa Polytechnic University. Odessa, Ukraine: ONPU, 2(39), 213 – 220.
20. GOST R 54869 - 2011 Project Management. Requirements for project management. Moscow: Standartinform, 2011, 10.