Проведено дослідження інструментів державного впливу на галузь житлового будівництва з метою забезпечення населення доступним житлом. Розглянуто державні програми із забезпечення житлом та надана оцінка їх ефективності.
Проведено исследование инструментов государственного влияния на отрасль жилищного строительства с целью обеспечения населения доступным жильем. Рассмотрены государственные программы по обеспечению жильем и дана оценка их эффективности.
The article studied the capacity of the state to influence the supply of the population with affordable housing, as well as the extent to which these opportunities particularly through housing programs. The situation with the supply of public housing Ukraine today suggests that the housing problem is an urgent problem. At present, the average Ukrainian family has to collect money to buy apartment at least 22 years. Introduced a number of government programs to ensure affordable housing for people, including a youth program construction, program "30x70", concessional lending program for 30 years and more. The study showed that the state has a fairly effective tools a significant impact on the construction industry, in particular to increase the affordability of housing for people. However, the implementation of this action through laws and policies are ineffective. Imperfect programs themselves and their orientation. The state is trying to deal with the consequences rather than the causes. Implementation of programs developed enough and regularly funded, has a large number of constraints to participation, and accompanied by corruption. State housing finance can be considered only as an exception for certain categories of citizens. Another issue to address housing need from the government is not money, and effective legal mechanisms lending, protection of investors, tax management and control of the industry. Providing people with affordable housing under existing conditions, and relevant aspects related to the management of projects in housing, and is further directions of our research.
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