Розроблено концептуальну модель формування енергоефективності будівлі. Згідно принципам системного аналізу створено комплекс моделей як основи інтегрованої єдиної енергетичної моделі будівлі з врахуванням впливу зовнішніх та внутрішніх факторів на енергоефективність огороджувальної оболонки будівлі. Описано взаємодію параметрів цієї моделі.
Разработана концептуальная модель формирования энергоэффективности здания. Согласно принципам системного анализа создан комплекс моделей как основы интегрированной единой энергетической модели здания с учетом влияния внешних и внутренних факторов на энергоэффективность ограждающей оболочки здания. Описано взаимодействие параметров этой модели.
Design of energy efficient buildings proposed to be considered as the optimization of interconnected and balanced energy subsystems. Developed the conceptual model of formation the energy efficient buildings. According to the principles of system analysis created complex models as the basis of a single integrated energy model of the building, taking into account the influence of external and internal factors on the energy efficiency of the building envelope. Reported interactions of parameters and determined the composition of energy models which are considered. The list of components of energy-efficient models include: a group of climate models, group of architectural – constructive models and group of thermotechnical models. Proposed integration of the unified energy model of the building with BIM for import architectural - constructive model building. And integration with software tool Retscreen to obtain accurate climate indicators in the region of construction. Determined basic parameters of the external climate to form a comfortable temperature and humidity regime the building. According to the methodology of systematic analysis of the mathematical model of the thermal regime of the building as a single the thermotechnical system should be presented in the form of three interrelated models: thermotechnical model influence of the external climate on the building, thermotechnical model of enclosing constructions, thermotechnical model of microclimate. Developed the functional structure of the applications of the mathematical model of the thermal regime of the building to determine the energy efficiency index enclosing constructions.
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