Розглянуто суб’єкти управління стратегічними програмами розвитку міст. Підкреслена важливість використання принципу проактивності, класифіковані типи суб’єктів, форми та методи їх взаємодії. Наведено підхід до їх взаємодії з точки зору теорії несилової взаємодії. Сформульована цільова функція оптимізації управлінських рішень в рамках таких програм.
Рассматриваются субъекты управления стратегическими программами развития городов. Подчеркнута важность использования принципа проактивности, классифицированы типы субъектов, формы и методы их взаимодействия. Приведен подход к их взаимодействию с точки зрения теории несилового взаимодействия. Сформулирована целевая функция оптимизации управленческих решений в рамках таких программ.
The problems of the modern urban development are considered, formulated two main areas of application management efforts. Publications on the theory of project and program management, the theory of non-force interaction, proactive approach, the behavior of program stakeholders are analyzed. Highlighted the unsolved part of the problem: problems managing strategic development programs are considered without emphasizing its non-force nature. And therefore did not stand out and did not analyze the mechanisms of non-force interaction between the participants of strategic development programs. Management subjects of strategic programs for urban development are considered. Highlighted using the principle of proactivity, classified types of subjects, forms and methods of their interaction. Listed group, which can be grouped as management subjects of strategic programs for urban development. Among the forms of interaction management subjects are highlighted: meetings, site inspections, audits, programs, documents, electronic interaction. An approach to the interaction of subjects of managing strategic programs for urban development from the viewpoint of non-force interaction. An example consider the interaction of subjects of management within the strategic program for urban development. This example is considered from the standpoint of the theory of non-force interaction. Formulated objective function optimization of administrative decisions in the strategic programs for urban development. It is concluded that the desirability of further studies phenomena and systems strategic program for urban development in terms of the theory of non-force interaction.
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4. Медведєва О.М. Інтроформаційні моделі розрахунку прояву зацікавлених сторін в середовищі проекту: нечітка постановка / О.М. Медведєва // Управління проектами та розвиток виробництва: Зб. наук. праць. – Луганськ: Східноукраїнський національний університет ім. В.Даля, 2011. – №1(37). – С.5-14.
5. OGC (Office of Government Commerce). Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 (2009 ed.). – TSO (The Stationery Office), Printed in the United Kingdom for The Stationery Office, 2009. – 327 p.
6. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Fifth Edition / USA. – PMI, 2013. – 589 p.
7. ICB: IPMA Competence Baseline Version 3.0/ IPMA, Netherlands, July 2006, 200p.
8. Sebastian Nokes, Sean Kelly The Definitive Guide to Project Management. 2nd Ed.n. London (Financial Times / Prentice Hall), Pearson Education, 2007. – 354 p.
9. Lewis R. Ireland Project Management. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2006. – 110 p.
10. Harold Kerzner. Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling (10th ed.). Wiley. – 2009. – 1120 p.
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2. Bushuyeva N.S. (2007). Models and methods for proactive management of organizational development programs. Monograph. / N.S.Bushuyeva/ – K.: World of Science, 199 p.
3. Teslya Y.N. (2010). Introduction to informatics of Nature: Monograph / Y.N. Teslya. – K.: Maklaut, 255 p.
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5. OGC (Office of Government Commerce). Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 (2009). – TSO (The Stationery Office), Printed in the United Kingdom for The Stationery Office, 327 p.
6. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Fifth Edition (2013). USA. – PMI, 589 p.
7. ICB: IPMA Competence Baseline Version 3.0 (2006). IPMA, Netherlands, 200 p.
8. Sebastian Nokes, Sean Kelly (2007). The Definitive Guide to Project Management. 2nd Ed.n. London (Financial Times / Prentice Hall), Pearson Education, 354 p.
9. Lewis R. Ireland (2006). Project Management. McGraw-Hill Professional. – 110 p.
10. Harold Kerzner (2009). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling
(10th ed.). Wiley, 1120 p.