Розглянуто питання управління успішними проектами за методологією MSP при управлінні програмами в галузі освіти, а саме, визначення специфіки та атрибутів критичних факторів успіху за індивідуальними властивостями програм та застосування цих критеріїв як частини розробки стратегії управління якістю ІТ проектів.
Рассмотрены вопросы управления успешными проектами по методологии MSP при управлении программами в отрасли образования, а именно, определение специфики и атрибутов критических факторов успеха за индивидуальными свойствами программ и применения этих критериев как части разработки стратегии управления качеством ИТ проектов.
In the article the questions of Managing Successful Projects MSP methodology in managing programs the programs in industry of education, namely, determination of specific and attributes of critical factors of success after individual properties of the programs and application of these criteria as parts of development of strategy of quality of IT of projects management. Use of program management methodologies such as MSP, provides a solid framework that helps organizations avoid the pitfalls and achieve your goals. Managing Successful Projects describes the principles which provide a successful management risks in the program and its organization tested in practice. Borrowing of the best experience from a management projects and programs is critical for a management in modern terms which are characterized constantly growing speed of changes. Quality management is should be the activities performed throughout the life course of the program, and even outside (the organization continues to realize the benefits at the end of the program). So quality control is a daily activity program. Program management is an important aspect in the change management aspects of both internal and external aspects.
1. Руководство к Своду знаний по управлению проектами (Руководство PMBOK®) – Третье издание, 2004 Project Management Institute, Four.
2. Креативные технологии управления проектами и программами: Монография / Бушуев С.Д., Бушуева Н.С., Бабаев И.А., Яковенко В.Б., Гриша Е.В., Дзюба С.В., Войтенко А.С. – К.: Саммит-Книга, 2010. – 768 с.
3. Shell global Pearl GTL website http://www.shell.com/ global/aboutshell/our-strategy/major-projects-2/pearl.html,
4. Gazprom project website http://www.gazprom.com
5. http://www.inpex.co.jp/english/ichthys/index.html.
6. http://gateway.icn.org.au/project/451/ichthys-lng-project.
1. Guide HP is known for REDD Project Management (Guide PMBOK®) Third edition, 2004 Project Management Institute, Four
2. Creative technologies of program and project management: Monograph / Bushuyev S.D., Bushuyeva N.S., Babayev I.А., Yakovenko V.B., Grysha O.V., Dzyuba S.V., Voytenko O.S. – К.: «Sammit-book», 2010. – 768 p.
3. Shell global Pearl GTL website http://www.shell.com/ global/aboutshell/our-strategy/major-projects-2/pearl.html,
4. Gazprom project website http://www.gazprom.com
5. http://www.inpex.co.jp/english/ichthys/index.html.
6. http://gateway.icn.org.au/project/451/ichthys-lng-project .