Наведено загальне уявлення портфеля енергоінфраструктурних проектів, його загальні та специфічні характеристики, побудовано модель портфеля з використанням теорії нечітких множин.
Дано общее представление о портфеле энергоинфраструктурных проектов, приведены его общие и специфические характеристики, построена модель портфеля с использованием теории нечетких множеств.
Based on the objectives of portfolio management and solved using this methodology for the strategic objectives of energy infrastructure companies, to build an effective portfolio management energyinfrastructure projects of sufficient degree of control, it is necessary to form a model of the control object. Furthermore, this model should take into account the specifics of the project activity and the conditions for its implementation. In this connection, the study introduced the concept of total energyinfrastructure projects portfolio as an object in the system of management of development of energy infrastructure company, formed its structural model, being built on three basic parameters: time of financial activity portfolio of incoming and outgoing financial flows. Also identified the specific characteristics of the portfolio, which include: strategic feasibility; financial, commercial, technological, aggregate values; balance. Based on these parameters was built substantial model portfolio, taking into account the presence of significant resource constraints and investment in enterprises. When constructing a model approach was used the theory of fuzzy sets that stem from the lack or absence of a priori information about the object and the relative unpredictability of events due to the need of the portfolio in a dynamic environment, which is characterized by sudden changes, ie with incomplete information about external influences.
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