Запропоновано застосування методології структурного аналізу SADT. Розроблена модель інформаційних компонентів процесів планування і моніторингу обсягів навчальної роботи. Розроблено методи розрахунку навчального навантаження студентів і викладачів ВНЗ 3-4 рівня акредитації. Запропоновано математичну модель функціональних компонентів процесів планування і моніторингу обсягів навчальної роботи.
Предложенное применение методологии структурного анализа SADT. Разработана модель информационных компонентов процессов планирования и мониторинга объемов учебной работы. Разработаны методы расчета учебной нагрузки студентов и преподавателей вузов 3-4 уровня аккредитации. Предложенная математическая модель функциональных компонентов процессов планирования и мониторинга объемов учебной работы.
The application of the methodology of structural analysis SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique), which is based on the concepts of system analysis and is an effective tool for creating descriptions of systems to describe and optimize business processes for planning and monitoring the volume of academic work is proposed. It had been developed a formal model of information components of the planning and monitoring of the volume of academic work in the conditions of the Bologna process, which include: the curriculum; many restrictions on the formation of the curriculum specialties; number of students; contingent faculty. The formal methods of calculating student workload and professors 3-4 level of accreditation are considered. It is shown that the relationship between the amount of academic work of students and teachers are given as algorithmic functions. The communication parameters between the amount of the load represented in the curriculum and amount of educational work of teachers and students are given in tabular form. The mathematical model of the functional components of the planning and monitoring of the volume of academic work is proposed. Set by a formal representation of the functions implemented in the planning and monitoring of the volume of academic work. Skill formal representation influences on the formation of academic load, which are described in relation to the four sides of the block SADT - diagram: input (information resources), output (product information), management and implementation mechanisms. This formalization is the basis for the creation of methods and software and information planning volumes of academic work in the university of 3-4 levesl of accreditation.
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