Класифіковано українські банки на основі комплексної оцінки та визначено групу банків для подальших досліджень управління організаційними проектами у цій групі банків.
Классифицированы украинские банки на основе комплексной оценки, а также определена группа банков для дальнейших исследований управления организационными проектами в данной группе банков.
The banking in Ukraine is under constant change. The reasons for this phenomenon are regular conversion legislation, unfavorable economic situation, social and political situation, etc. One of the important problems of the Ukrainian banking system is ambiguous attitude to small banks, although it is unfair, because they have a number of advantages for customers. All banks have to adapt to the changing environment to increase its profits and successfully doing business. In our opinion, most of all changes in the company – it is a project, that requires a lot of human, financial and time resources. The basis for a successful project in the first place is built correctly and balanced system of project management. The main objective of the article is to classify Ukrainian banks and to determine the features of the system of project management in small banks, because to this day, these questions were considered only in the context of large banks, or without reference to the specifics of a particular company.
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