Обгрунтовано необхідність впровадження системного підходу при формуванні мультипроекту розвитку підприємства на базі портфеля проектів.
Обоснована необходимость применения системного подхода при формировании мультипроекта развития предприятия на базе портфеля проектов.
In a highly competitive and dynamic environment companies often conduct their activities in a number of different directions and invest in several projects synchronically that inevitably entails a parallel project management. As practice shows it is impossible without using of multi-project management methodology. Lack of project management systems on enterprises leads to low efficiency and losses. And most importantly it does not allow to reach target goals. With the approach proposed as a central objective of this study we consider to be the following: the development of a method of multiproject’s organization of enterprise based on the system unity of the strategic objectives, the project portfolio and multiproject. Thus, the application of the multi-project management is highly flexible in the projects selection; however, for improving of the effectiveness of project activities it is necessary to develop a mechanism of structuring the strategic goals taking them into account while selecting appropriate projects into portfolio, which will model the multiproject at the tactical level.
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