Розглянуто проектно-орієнтовану організацію, що має специфічну стратегію, організаційну структуру і культуру управління проектами та програмами. При цьому, чим різноманітніше проекти і програми проектно-орієнтованої організації, тим складніше управління організацією. Автор пропонує, в умовах кризового стану та турбулентного оточуючого середовища, застосовувати креативні технології управління в проектно-орієнтованих організаціях.
Рассмотрена проектно-ориентированная организация, имеющая специфическую стратегию, организационную структуру и культуру управления проектами и программами. При этом, чем разнообразнее проекты и программы проектно-ориентированной организации, тем сложнее управление организацией. Автор предлагает, в условиях кризисного состояния и турбулентной окружающей среды, применять креативные технологии управления в проектно-ориентированных организациях.
Project-oriented organization has a specific strategy, organizational structure and culture management of projects and programs. Moreover, the more varied are projects and programs of project-oriented organization, the more difficult is management organization. The purpose of building management organization which will be oriented on projects is to build a system of organization based on the principles of design, integration of project management with the processes of strategic and tactical management. And there comes a time when strategic issues, leadership issues or difficult organizational situations are impossible to solve in the usual formulaic manner and there is a field for solving problems creatively. Nowadays, in the context of strategy, innovation, organizational development and leadership it is widely used the term "creativity". The author of this article propose the possibility of using creative management approach in project-oriented organizations. Priority attention is given to creativity – in assessing the quality of the employee, it determines its potential future contribution to the common work, and at some types of work it is considered as a part of the competence of personnel. In addition, staff creativity today can be one of the major competitive advantages of the project-oriented organization as well as in the conditions of new economy occurs transition to knowledge management, and new knowledge are based on new ideas. Thus, creativity should be part of the internal organizational behavior of businesses, contributing to the efficiency of the organization. Using the proposed model will allow to manage organizational behavior in unstable economic situation and facilitate the implementation of innovative solutions. Good project management is possible only if there are clear objectives, management support, professional managers and performers who interact on a common language – the language of project management methodology focusing on organization.
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