Сучасний вектор оновлення будівельного девелопменту в контексті стратагем Integrated Project Delivery
1. Honcharenko, T., Ryzhakova, G., Borodavka, Y. Method for representing spatial information of topological relations based on a multidimensional data model ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciencesthis link is disabled, 2021, 16(7), pp. 802–809.
2. Petro Kulikov, Galyna Ryzhakova, Tetyana Honcharenko, Dmytro Ryzhakov and Oksana Malykhina OLAP-Tools for the Formation of Connected and Diversified Production and Project Management Systems International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering. Vol 9, No.5, September – October 2020. рр. 8670–8676.
3. Рижакова Г. М., Малихіна О. М., Ручинська Ю. М., Петренко Г. С. Економіко-управлінські предиктори стратегічного девелопменту в умовах динамічного середовища впровадження проектів будівництва. Управління розвитком складних систем. Київ, 2019. № 39. С. 154–163; dx.doi.org\10.6084/m9.figshare.11340710.
4. Рижакова Г. М., Приходько Д. О., Предун К. М., Лугіна Т. С., Коваль Т. С. Моделі цільового вибору репрезентативних індикаторів діяльності будівельних підприємств: етимологія та типологія систем діагностики. Управління розвитком складних систем. Київ, 2017. № 32. С. 159–165.
5. Chernyshev D., Ryzhakov D., Dikiy O., Khomenko O., Petrukha S. Innovative technology for management tools of commercial real estate in construction International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Researchthis link is disabled, 2020, 8(9), pp. 4967–4973.
6. Ryzhakova, Galyna, Malykhina, Oksana, Rуzhаkov, Dmуtrо, (2018). Risk-management in the system of management of integration processes as a component of modernization of Ukrainian economy. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 36, pp. 113–119.
7. Marchuk Tetyana. Identification of the basic elements of the innovationanalytical platform for energy efficiency in project 20.-financing. Investment Management and Financial Innovations. 2017. Vol. 14(4), P. 12. DOI:http://10.21511/imfi.14(4).2017.02.
8. Ryzhakova G., Chupryna K., Ivakhnenko I. Expert-analytical model of management quality assessment at a construction enterprise. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, Volume 3, September 2020. pp. 71–82.
9. Рижакова Г. М., Рижаков Д. А., Шпакова Г. В. Оцінка продуктивності операційної системи девелопера в мікросередовищі стейкхолдерів житлового будівництва. Шляхи підвищення ефективності будівництва в умовах формування ринкових відносин. 2019. Вип. 42. С. 120–131.
10. Azhar N. “Integrated Construction Project Delivery System in the U.S. Public Sector: An Information Modeling Framework”, FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1567, 2014.
11. The American Institute of Architects, Integrated Project Delivery: А Guide, The American Institute of Architects, AIA California Council, 2007.
12. Paulson B. C. “Designing to Reduce Construction Costs” Journal of the Construction Division, 102(C04), 588, 1976.
13. Mossman A., Ballard G. & Pasquire C. Lean Project Delivery – innovation in integrated design & delivery. URL: https://connect.innovateuk.org/documents/471824/3928062.
14. Трач Р. В. Дослідженнясучасних методів реалізації будівельних проектів. Вісник НУВГП. Технічні науки: зб. наук. праць. Рівне : НУВГП, 2017. Вип. 4 (80). С. 159–167.
15. MacLeamy P. “Integrated Project Delivery: McLeamy Curve”, 2011. URL: http://www.msa-ipd.com/MacleamyCurve.pdf.
16. Мартинюк О. А. Інноваційні технології в системі управління підприємствами в умовах динамічного середовища : монографія. Миколаїв : ФОП Швець В. М., 2017. 448 с.
1. Honcharenko, T., Ryzhakova, G., Borodavka, Y. (2021). Method for representing spatial information of topological relations based on a multidimensional data model ARPN. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciencesthis link is disabled, 16(7), 802–809.
2. Kulikov, Petro, Ryzhakova, Galyna, Honcharenko, Tetyana, Ryzhakov, Dmytro & Malykhina, Oksana. (2020). OLAP-Tools for the Formation of Connected and Diversified Production and Project Management Systems. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9, 5, 8670–8676.
3. Ryzhakova, Galyna, Malykhina, Oksana, Ruchynska, Yulia & Petrenko, Anna. (2019). Economic and managerial predictors of strategic development in a dynamic environment of construction projects implementation. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 39, 154–163; dx.doi.org\10.6084/m9.figshare.11340710.
4. Ryzhakova, Galyna, Prykhodko, Dmitry, Predun, Konstantin, Lugyna, Tatyana & Koval, Timur. (2017). Models of target selection of representative indicators of activities of construction enterprises: the etymology and typology of systems of diagnostics. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 32, 159–165.
5. Chernyshev, D., Ryzhakov, D., Dikiy, O., Khomenko, O., Petrukha, S. (2020). Innovative technology for management tools of commercial real estate in construction. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(9), 4967–4973.
6. Ryzhakova, Galyna, Malykhina, Oksana, Rуzhаkov, Dmуtrо. (2018). Risk-management in the system of management of integration processes as a component of modernization of Ukrainian economy. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 36, 113–119.
7. Marchuk, Tetyana. (2017). Identification of the basic elements of the innovationanalytical platform for energy efficiency in project 20.-financing. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 14(4), 12. DOI:http://10.21511/imfi.14(4).2017.02.
8. Ryzhakova, G., Chupryna, K., Ivakhnenko, I. (2020). Expert-analytical model of management quality assessment at a construction enterprise. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 3, 71–82.
9. Ryzhakov, G. M., Ryzhakov, D. A., Shpakova, G. V. (2019). Performance evaluation of the developer's operating system in the microenvironment of housing construction stakeholders. Ways to increase the efficiency of construction in the conditions of the formation of market relations, 42, 120–131.
10. Azhar, N. (2014). Integrated Construction Project Delivery System in the U.S. Public Sector: An Information Modeling Framework. FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 1567.
11. The American Institute of Architects, Integrated Project Delivery: А Guide. (2007). The American Institute of Architects, AIA California Council.
12. Paulson, B. C. (1976). Designing to Reduce Construction Costs. Journal of the Construction Division, 102(C04), 588.
13. Mossman, A., Ballard, G. & Pasquire, C. (2017). Lean Project Delivery – innovation in integrated design & delivery. URL: https://connect.innovateuk.org/documents/471824/3928062.
14. Trach, R. V. (2017). Research of modern methods of implementation of construction projects. Bulletin of the NUVHP. Technical sciences: coll. of science works. Rivne: NUVHP, 4 (80), 159–167.
15. MacLeamy, P. (2011). Integrated Project Delivery: McLeamy Curve. 2011. URL: http://www.msa-ipd.com/MacleamyCurve.pdf.
16. Martynyuk, O. A. (2017). Innovative technologies in the enterprise management system in a dynamic environment: monograph. Mykolaiv: FOP Shvets V. M., 448.