Чисельне дослідження динаміки трансмісійних валів у режимах руху при зміні швидкості обертання
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7. Chang Tan. A Study of Shaft Vibration Based on Transfer Matrix / Chang Tan, Zhi Ling Guo, Rui Kun Zhou. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013. Volumes 365-366. P. 339-343. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.365-366.339.
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11. Yimin Wei. Influence of Axial Loads to Propagation Characteristics of the Elastic Wave in a Non Uniform Shaft / Yimin Wei, Zhiwei Zhao, Wenhua Chen and Qi Liu. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2019 No. 32:70. P.13.
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6. Boukhalfa A., Hadjoui A., and Hamza Cherif S. M. (2008). Free Vibration Analysis of a Rotating Composite Shaft Using the p-Version of the Finite Element Method. International Journal of Rotating Machinery. Article ID 752062, doi:10.1155/2008/752062.
7. Chang, Tan, Zhi, Ling Guo, Rui, Kun Zhou. (2013). A Study of Shaft Vibration Based on Transfer Matrix. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 365–366, 339–343.
8. Cong, Zhang, Zhe, Tian, Xinping, Yan. (2016). Analytical analysis of the vibration of propulsion shaft under hull deformation excitations. Journal of Vibroengineering, 18, 1, 44-55.
9. Petyt, Maurice. (1990). Introduction to Finite Element Vibration Analysis. Cambridge University Press, 558.
10. Kumar, Sanjiv, Sehgal, Rakesh, Singh, Sanpreet. (2019). Vibrations signature analysis of whirling shaft of varying diameters operated at varying speeds. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 1240.
11. Yimin, Wei, Zhiwei, Zhao, Wenhua, Chen, Qi, Liu. (2019). Influence of Axial Loads to Propagation Characteristics of the Elastic Wave in a Non Uniform Shaft. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 32:70, 13