Технології управління великими даними проєктів міського будівництва
1. Statsenko, L., Samaraweera, A., Bakhshi, J., & Chileshe, N. (2023). Construction 4.0 technologies and applications: A systematic literature review of trends and potential areas for development. Construction Innovation, 23 (5), 961–993.
2. Гончаренко, Т. (2022). Сучасні інформаційні технології для моделювання міського середовища та розробки цифрових двійників міських об’єктів. Управління розвитком складних систем, (51), 87–93.
3. Batty, M., & Yang, W. (2022). A digital future for planning: Spatial planning reimagined. Digital Task Force for Planning.
4. Гончаренко, Т. А. (2020). Структура методології CIM для інформаційного моделювання міського середовища на основі інтеграції BIM та GIS технологій. Вісник Національного технічного університету «Харківський політехнічний інститут». Серія: Інформатика та моделювання, 2 (4).
5. Basir, W. N., F. W. A., Ujang, U., Majid, Z., Azri, S., & Choon, T. L. (2020). The integration of BIM and GIS in construction project–A data consistency review. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 44, 107–116.
6. Zhang, J., Zhu, Z., Liu, H., Zuo, J., Ke, Y., Philbin, S. P., ... & Ni, Q. (2023). System framework for digital monitoring of the construction of asphalt concrete pavement based on IoT, BeiDou navigation system, and 5G technology. Buildings, 13 (2), 503.
7. Chen, S. Y., Zhang, J. X., Ni, Q. C., Skitmore, M., Ballesteros-Pérez, P., Ke, Y. J., & Sun, H. J. (2022). Data-driven platform framework for digital whole-process expressway construction management. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 891772.
8. Lee, D., Lee, S. H., Masoud, N., Krishnan, M. S., & Li, V. C. (2021). Integrated digital twin and blockchain framework to support accountable information sharing in construction projects. Automation in construction, 127, 103688.
9. Bello, S. A., Oyedele, L. O., Akinade, O. O., Bilal, M., Delgado, J. M. D., Akanbi, L. A., & Owolabi, H. A. (2021). Cloud computing in construction industry: Use cases, benefits and challenges. Automation in Construction, 122, 103441.
10. Paneru, S., & Jeelani, I. (2021). Computer vision applications in construction: Current state, opportunities & challenges. Automation in Construction, 132, 103940.
11. Ding, Y., Ma, J., & Luo, X. (2022). Applications of natural language processing in construction. Automation in Construction, 136, 104169.
12. Shahzad, U. (2023). A comparative analysis of ERP system providers.
13. Alam, M. W., Azeem, M. A., Farooqi, M. R., Ahmad, M. F., Khan, M. A., & Khan, M. J. A. (2022). E-Crm In E-Tail Organizations-A Boon For Technological Infrastructure Development. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 26 (S2).
14. Elabd, N. M., Mansour, Y. M., & Khodier, L. M. (2020). Social distancing in construction: investigating the role of technologies in supporting remote management. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 67 (8), 2073-2091.
15. Tran, S. V. T., Lee, D., Bao, Q. L., Yoo, T., Khan, M., Jo, J., & Park, C. (2023). A human detection approach for intrusion in hazardous areas using 4D-BIM-Based spatial-temporal analysis and computer vision. Buildings, 13 (9), 2313.
16. Subedi, R., Chou, E., & Williams Jr, A. (2022). GIS Based Integrated System for Analysis, Planning, and Visualization of Transportation Infrastructure, Safety, and Equity in Urban Area. In International Conference on Transportation and Development 2022 (pp. 97–107).
17. Honcharenko T., Mihaylenko V., Lyashchenko М. Application of distributed software technologies at the stage of urban planning design. I науково-практичної конференції «Розподілені програмні системи і технології», КНУБА. 2020. C. 26.
18. Lu, Q., Chen, L., Li, S., & Pitt, M. (2020). Semi-automatic geometric digital twinning for existing buildings based on images and CAD drawings. Automation in Construction, 115, 103183.
19. Hasibuan, S. A. R. S., & Qolby, A. A. (2023). Solution of Beam Structure Analysis Using SAP2000. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 11 (1).
20. Hajirasouli, A., & Banihashemi, S. (2022). Augmented reality in architecture and construction education: state of the field and opportunities. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 19 (1), 39.
21. Bozkurt, A., Ekici, F., & Yetiskul, H. (2023). Utilizing Flink and Kafka Technologies for Real-Time Data Processing: A Case Study. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, 24, 177–183.
22. Mehmood, M. A., & Tahir, B. (2024). Humkinar: Construction of a Large Scale Web Repository and Information System for Low Resource Urdu Language. IEEE Access.
23. Nagy, E., Lovas, R., Pintye, I., Hajnal, Á., & Kacsuk, P. (2021). Cloud-agnostic architectures for machine learning based on Apache Spark. Advances in Engineering Software, 159, 103029.
24. Adesokan, A. (2020). Performance Analysis of Hadoop MapReduce And Apache Spark for Big Data.
25. Watson, A., Das, S. K., & Ray, S. (2021, October). Daskdb: Scalable data science with unified data analytics and in situ query processing. In 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) (pp. 1–10). IEEE.
- Statsenko, L., Samaraweera, A., Bakhshi, J. & Chileshe, N. (2023). Construction 4.0 technologies and applications: A systematic literature review of trends and potential areas for development. Construction Innovation, 23 (5), 961–993.
- Honcharenko, T. (2022). Modern information technologies for simulation of the urban environment and creation of digital duplicate of city objects. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 51, 87–93, dx.doi.org\10.32347/2412-9933.2022.51.87-93.
- Batty, M. & Yang, W. (2022). A digital future for planning: Spatial planning reimagined. Digital Task Force for Planning.
- Goncharenko, T. A. (2020). Structure of the CIM methodology for information modeling of the urban environment based on the integration of BIM and GIS technologies. Bulletin of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Series: Informatics and Modeling, 2 (4).
- Basir, W. N. F. W. A., Ujang, U., Majid, Z., Azri, S. & Choon, T. L. (2020). The integration of BIM and GIS in construction project–A data consistency review. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 44, 107–116.
- Zhang, J., Zhu, Z., Liu, H., Zuo, J., Ke, Y., Philbin, S. P., ... & Ni, Q. (2023). System framework for digital monitoring of the construction of asphalt concrete pavement based on IoT, BeiDou navigation system, and 5G technology. Buildings, 13 (2), 503.
- Chen, S. Y., Zhang, J. X., Ni, Q. C., Skitmore, M., Ballesteros-Pérez, P., Ke, Y. J., ... & Sun, H. J. (2022). Data-driven platform framework for digital whole-process expressway construction management. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 891772.
- Lee, D., Lee, S. H., Masoud, N., Krishnan, M. S. & Li, V. C. (2021). Integrated digital twin and blockchain framework to support accountable information sharing in construction projects. Automation in construction, 127, 103688.
- Bello, S. A., Oyedele, L. O., Akinade, O. O., Bilal, M., Delgado, J. M. D., Akanbi, L. A., ... & Owolabi, H. A. (2021). Cloud computing in construction industry: Use cases, benefits and challenges. Automation in Construction, 122, 103441.
- Paneru, S. & Jeelani, I. (2021). Computer vision applications in construction: Current state, opportunities & challenges. Automation in Construction, 132, 103940.
- Ding, Y., Ma, J. & Luo, X. (2022). Applications of natural language processing in construction. Automation in Construction, 136, 104169.
- Shahzad, U. (2023). A comparative analysis of ERP system providers.
- Alam, M. W., Azeem, M. A., Farooqi, M. R., Ahmad, M. F., Khan, M. A. & Khan, M. J. A. (2022). E-Crm In E-Tail Organizations-A Boon For Technological Infrastructure Development. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 26 (S2).
- Elabd, N. M., Mansour, Y. M. & Khodier, L. M. (2020). Social distancing in construction: investigating the role of technologies in supporting remote management. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 67 (8), 2073–2091.
- Tran, S. V. T., Lee, D., Bao, Q. L., Yoo, T., Khan, M., Jo, J. & Park, C. (2023). A human detection approach for intrusion in hazardous areas using 4D-BIM-Based spatial-temporal analysis and computer vision. Buildings, 13 (9), 2313.
- Subedi, R., Chou, E. & Williams Jr, A. (2022). GIS Based Integrated System for Analysis, Planning, and Visualization of Transportation Infrastructure, Safety, and Equity in Urban Area. In International Conference on Transportation and Development 2022 (pp. 97–107).
- Honcharenko, T., Mihaylenko, V. & Lyashchenko, М. (2020). Application of distributed software technologies at the stage of urban planning design. In Scientific and practical conference "Distributed software systems and technologies" (рр. 25-26).
- Lu, Q., Chen, L., Li, S. & Pitt, M. (2020). Semi-automatic geometric digital twinning for existing buildings based on images and CAD drawings. Automation in Construction, 115, 103183.
- Hasibuan, S. A. R. S. & Qolby, A. A. (2023). Solution of Beam Structure Analysis Using SAP2000. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 11 (1).
- Hajirasouli, A. & Banihashemi, S. (2022). Augmented reality in architecture and construction education: state of the field and opportunities. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 19 (1), 39.
- Bozkurt, A., Ekici, F. & Yetiskul, H. (2023). Utilizing Flink and Kafka Technologies for Real-Time Data Processing: A Case Study. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, 24, 177–183.
- Mehmood, M. A. & Tahir, B. (2024). Humkinar: Construction of a Large Scale Web Repository and Information System for Low Resource Urdu Language. IEEE Access.
- Nagy, E., Lovas, R., Pintye, I., Hajnal, Á. & Kacsuk, P. (2021). Cloud-agnostic architectures for machine learning based on Apache Spark. Advances in Engineering Software, 159, 103029.
- Adesokan, A. (2020). Performance Analysis of Hadoop MapReduce And Apache Spark for Big Data.
- Watson, A., Das, S. K. & Ray, S. (2021, October). Daskdb: Scalable data science with unified data analytics and in situ query processing. In 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) (pp. 1–10). IEEE.