Парадигмальний концепт сучасного будівельного девелопменту в контексті стратегічного цілепокладання підприємств-стейкхолдерів будівництва
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7. Pokolenko, V. O., Ryzhakova, G. M. & Prykhodko, D. O. (2014). Introduction of tools for selecting alternatives for the implementation of construction projects based on the functional and technical reliability of contracting organizations. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 19, 104–108.
8. Khomenko, O. M., Petrenko, G. S., Ryzhakova, G. M., Petrukha, N. M., Chupryna, Y. A., Malykhin, O. M. & Kushnir, O. K. (2022). Modern tools and software products for the administration of construction organizations under the transformation of management operating systems. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 52, 113–125. https://dx.doi.org/10.32347/2412-9933.2022.52.113-125.
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10. Chupryna, I., Ryzhakova, G., Chupryna, K., Tormosov, R. & Gonchar, V. (2022). Designing a toolset for the formalized evaluation and selection of reengineering projects to be implemented at an enterprise. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 13 (1), 6–19. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2022.251235.
11. Marchuk, T., Ryzhakov, D., Ryzhakova, G. & Stetsenko, S. (2017). Identification of the basic elements of the innovation-analytical platform for energy efficiency in project financing. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 14(4), 12–20. https://doi.org/10.21511/imfi.14(4).2017.02.
12. Akselrod, R., Shpakov, A., Ryzhakova, G., Honcharenko, T., Chupryna, I. & Shpakova, N. (2022). Integration of data flows of the construction project life cycle to create a digital enterprise based on Building Information Modeling. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 12 (1), 40–50. https://doi.org/10.46338/ijetae0122_05.
13. Ryzhakova, G., Malykhin, O., Pokolenko, V., Nesterenko, I. & Honcharenko, T. (2022). Construction Project Management with Digital Twin Information System. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 12 (10), 19–28.
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15. Ryzhakova, G. M., Kishchak, N. G., Khomenko, O. M., Rotov, O. O., Nikolaeva, M. Yu. & Veremeeva, T. I. (2022). Modern vector of renewal of construction development in the context of the Integrated Project Delivery stratagem. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 49, 113–123. https://dx.doi.org/10.32347/2412-9933.2022.49.113-123.
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17. Ryzhakova, G. M., Orlenko, I. M, & Malykhin, O. M. (2021). Methodological regulation and analytical and informational support of management in the modern system of construction development. Formation of Market Relations in Ukraine, 7 (8), 59–65.
18. Ryzhakova, G. M., Prykhodko, D. O. & Predun, K. M. (2017). Models for target selection of representative performance indicators of construction enterprises: etymology and typology of diagnostic systems. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 32, 159–165.
19. Kulikov, P., Ryzhakova, G., Honcharenko, T., Ryzhakov, D. & Malykhin, O. (2020). OLAP-tools for the formation of connected and diversified production and project management systems. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8 (10), 7337–7343. https://doi.org/10.30534/ijeter/2020/1108102020.
20. Ryzhakova, G. M. (2015). Modern features and prospects for the development of investment market infrastructure. Construction Production, 58, 96–101.
21. Trach, R. V., Ryzhakova, G. M. & Kryzhanovsky, V. I. (2017). Information modeling and the concept of integrated implementation of construction projects as the basis for the innovative development of a construction enterprise. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 31, 173–178.
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