Інтелектуальний аналіз тимчасових рядів. Сингулярні декомпозиції і гранулярний компьютинг в завданнях інтелектуального аналізу тимчасових рядів
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2. Zadeh, L. (1996). Fuzzy logic = computing with words. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 94(2),103–111.
3. Zadeh, L. (1999). From computing with numbers to computing with words -from ma-nipulation of measurements to manipulation of perceptions. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I: Fundamental Theory and Applications,
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4. Zadeh, L., & Kacprzyk, J. (Eds.). (1999a). Computing with words in information/ intelligent systems 1 (foundations). Studies in fuzziness and soft computing (Vol. 33). New York: Springer-Verlag. – Pp. 383–406.
5. Zadeh, L., & Kacprzyk, J. (Eds.). (1999b). Computing with words in information /in-telligent systems 2 (applications). Studies in fuzziness and soft computing (Vol. 34). New York: Springer-Verlag. – Рр.988-1006.
6. Ярушкина, Н. Г. Интеллектуальный анализ временных рядов: учебное пособие // Н. Г. Ярушкина,
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7. Song Q., Chissom B. Fuzzy time series and its models // Fuzzy Sets and Systems. – №54 (1993). – Р. 269-277.
8. Herrera F., Alonso S., Chiclana F.,Herrera-Viedma E. Computing with words in decision making: foundations, trends and prospects. Fuzzy Optim Decis Making (2009) 8. – Р. 337–364.
9. Cichocki A. Tensor Decompositions: A New Concept in Brain Data Analysis? arXiv: 1305.0395v1 [cs.NA] 2 May 2013. – 19 pp.
10. Минаев Ю.Н., Филимонова О.Ю., Минаева Ю.И. Тензорные модели НМ-гранул и их применение для решения задач нечеткой арифметики. «Искусственный интеллект». – №2, 2013. – С. 18-31.
11. Van Loan Ch.F. Block Matrix Computations and the Singular Value Decomposition A Tale of Two Ideas. – Інтернет-ресурс.
12. Van Loan Ch.F. The ubiquitous Kronecker product. Journal of Computational and applied mathematics. 2000,
123 (1-2): 85-100.
1. Finn V.K. (2004). An intellectual analysis of data -Lease. // News of artificial intelli -ta, № 3, 2004. – P.58- 66
2. Zadeh, L. (1996). Fuzzy logic = compu-ting with words. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 94 (2),103-111.
3. Zadeh, L. (1999). From computing with numbers to computing with words-from ma-nipulation of measurements to manipulation of perceptions. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 45 (1), 105-119.
4. Zadeh, L., & Kacprzyk, J. (Eds.). (1999a). Computing with words in information / intelligent systems 1 (foundations). Studies in fuzziness and soft computing (Vol. 33). New York: Springer-Verlag. – Pp. 383-406.
5. Zadeh, L., & Kacprzyk, J. (Eds.). (1999b). Computing with words in information / in-telligent systems 2 (applications). Studies in fuzziness and soft computing (Vol. 34). New York: Springer-Verlag. – Rr.988 -1006.
6. Yarushkina N.G., Afanasiev T. V., Perfil'eva I.G. (2010) Intellectuals -tion time-series analysis: a tutorial // Ulyanovsk: UlSTU 2010. – 320 р.
7. Song Q., Chissom B. (1993). Fuzzy time se-ries and its models // Fuzzy Sets and Systems. - № 54 (1993) – Р. 269-277.
8. Herrera F., Alonso S., Chiclana F., Herrera-Viedma E. (2009). Computing with words in deci-sion making: foundations, trends and prospects. Fuzzy Optim Decis Making (2009) 8: 337-364.
9. Cichocki A.(2013) Tensor Decompositions: A New Concept in Brain Data Analysis? arXiv: 1305.0395v1 [cs.NA] 2 May 2013. – 19 pp.
10. Minaev Y.N., Filimonov O.Y., Minaeva J. I. (2013). Tensor model HM - granules and their application to solving fuzzy arithmetic - tics. "Artificial Intelligence". – № 2, 2013. – P.18-31.
11. Van Loan Ch.F. Block Matrix Computa-tions and the Singular Value Decomposition A Tale of Two Ideas. - Services Internet resource.
12. Van Loan Ch.F. (2000) The ubiquitous Kronecker product. Journal of Computational and ap-plied mathematics. 2000, 123 (1-2): 85-100.