1. Закон України «Про авторське право і суміжні права» № 3729-12 від 05.12.2012, підстава 5460-17
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4. Lv, X., & Wang, Z. J. (2012). Perceptual image hashing based on shape contexts and local feature points. Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on, 7(3), 1081-1093.
5. Hamming, R. W. (1950). Error detecting and error correcting codes. Bell System technical journal, 29(2), 147-160.
6. Chum, O., Philbin, J., &Zisserman, A. (2008, September). NearDuplicateImageDetection: min-Hash and tf-idfWeighting. In BMVC (Vol. 810, pp. 812-815).
7. Leskovec, J., Rajaraman, A., &Ullman, J. D. (2014). Miningofmassivedatasets. CambridgeUniversityPress..
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10. Гогунский, В.Д. Обоснование закона о конкурентных свойствах проектов / В.Д. Гогунский, С.В. Руденко,
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11. Оборський, Г.О. Стандартизація і сертифікація процесів управління якістю освіти у вищому навчальному закладі / Г.О. Оборський, В.Д. Гогунський, О.С. Савельєва // Тр. Одес. политехн. ун-та. –2011. – № 1(35). – С. 251 – 255.
12. Колесникова, Е.В. Моделирование слабо структурированных систем проектного управления / Е.В. Колесникова // Тр.Одес. политехн. ун-та. – 2013. ‑ № 3 (42). – С. 127 – 131.
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15. Burkov, V. N., Biloshchytskyi, A. A., & Gogunsky, V. D. (2013). Options citation of scientific publications in scientometric databases. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA, 15, 134 - 139.
16. Gogunsky, V. D., Kolyada, A. S., & Iakovenko, V. O. (2014). Scientometric data scientific publication "Management of development of difficult systems. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA, 19, 6 – 11.
17. Vlasenko, O. V., Lebed’ V. V., & Gogunsky, V. D (2012). Markov model of communication processes in international projects. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA: 12, 35 ‑ 39.
18. Gogunsky, V. D., Iakovenko, V. O., & Kolyada, A. S. (2014). Application of Latent Dirichlet allocation for the analysis of scientometric publications database. Proc. of Odes. Polytechnic. Univ. Odessa, Ukraine, ONPU: 1 (43), 186 – 191.
1. The law of Ukraine on copyright and related rights № 3729-12 on 05.12.2012
2. Biloshchytskyi, A., & Dikhtiarenko, O. (2013). The effectiveness of methods for finding matches in texts. Management of complex systems, 14, pp. 144 – 147.
3. Ke, Y., Sukthankar, R., Huston, L., Ke, Y., & Sukthankar, R. (2004, October). Efficient near-duplicate detection and sub-image retrieval. In ACM Multimedia (Vol. 4, No. 1, p. 5).
4. Lv, X., & Wang, Z. J. (2012). Perceptual image hashing based on shape contexts and local feature points. Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on, 7(3), 1081-1093.
5. Hamming, R. W. (1950). Error detecting and error correcting codes. Bell System technical journal, 29(2), 147-160.
6. Chum, O., Philbin, J., & Zisserman, A. (2008, September). Near Duplicate Image Detection: min-Hash and tf-idf Weighting. In BMVC (Vol. 810, pp. 812-815).
7. Leskovec, J., Rajaraman, A., & Ullman, J. D. (2014). Mining of massive datasets. Cambridge University Press..
8. Platter W., & Phashion, (2014), GitHub repository, https://github.com/westonplatter/phashion
9. Biloshchytskyi, A., & Dikhtiarenko, O. (2014). Optimization of Matching algorithms by using local-sensitive hash sets of text data. Management of complex systems, 19, pp. 113 – 117.
10. Gogunsky, V. D., Rudenko, S. V., & Teslenko, P. A. (2012). Justification law on competitive properties of projects. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine, KNUCA: 8, 14 ‑ 16.
11. Oborsky, G. A., Gogunsky, V. D., & Saveleva O. S. (2011). Standardization and certification processes of the quality management education in higher education. Proceedings of Odes. Polytechnic. Univ, 1 (35), 251 – 255.
12. Kolesnikova, K. V. (2013). Modeling weakly structured project management systems. Proceedings of Odes. Polytechnic. Univ, 3 (42), 127 – 131.
13. Kolesnikova, K. V., & Negri, A. A. (2013). Transformation of cognitive maps in the model of Markov processes for projects creating software. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA, 15, 30 – 35.
14. Vaysman, V. A. Lukianov, D. V. & Kolesnikova, K. V. (2012). The planar graphs closed cycles determination method. Proceedings of Odes. Polytechnic. Univ, 1(38), 222 – 227.
15. Burkov, V. N., Biloshchytskyi, A. A., & Gogunsky, V. D. (2013). Options citation of scientific publications in scientometric databases. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA, 15, 134 - 139.
16. Gogunsky, V. D., Kolyada, A. S., & Iakovenko, V. O. (2014). Scientometric data scientific publication "Management of development of difficult systems. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA, 19, 6 – 11.
17. Vlasenko, O. V., Lebed’ V. V., & Gogunsky, V. D (2012). Markov model of communication processes in international projects. Management of development of difficult systems. Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUCA: 12, 35 ‑ 39.
18. Gogunsky, V. D., Iakovenko, V. O., & Kolyada, A. S. (2014). Application of Latent Dirichlet allocation for the analysis of scientometric publications database. Proc. of Odes. Polytechnic. Univ. Odessa, Ukraine, ONPU: 1 (43), 186 – 191.