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1. Huffman, D.A. (1952). A method for the construction of minimum redundancy. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Radio Engineers. - 1952.
2. Cormack, G.V. & Horspool, R.N. ( 1987). Data compression using dynamic Markov modeling: Comput. J.
3. Storer, J. A. Data Compression: Methods and Theory: Computes Science Press.
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11. LZMA – Wikipedia [electronic source]. – Access mode : \www/ URL: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/LZMA – 17.04.2014
12. Cleary, J.G., Teahan, W.J & Witten, I.H. Unbounded length contexts for PPM. Proceedings DCC-95, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995.
Deflate – Wikipedia [electronic source]. – Access mode : \www/ URL: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deflate 18.05.2014