Методична регламентація та аналітико-інформаційне забезпечення проєктів «Розумний дім» у сучасній системі будівельного девелопменту
1. Why digital strategies fall / [Electronic resource] / L.Bughin, T. Catlin, M. Hirt, P. Willmot // McKinsey journal. 2018. URL: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/digital-mckinsey/ourinsights/ why-digital-strategies-fail.
2. Andersson L., Van der Heyden L. Directing Digitalisation: Guidelines for Boards and Executives. URL: http://www.thisfluidworld.com/wp-content/ uploads/2017/ 02/Corporate-governance-February-2017.pdf
3. Офіційний сайт державної служби статистики. Використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій на підприємствах: електронна торгівля, аналіз «великих даних», фахівці та навички у сфері ІКТ, використання 3D друку. URL: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/
4. Струтинська І. В. Цифрова трансформація як імператив інноваційного розвитку бізнес-структур : автореф. дис. здобуття наук. ступеня д-ра екон. наук : 08.00.04. Запорізький національний університет, Запоріжжя, 2020. 43 с.
5. Ryzhakova G., Chupryna K., Ivakhnenko I. Expert-analytical model of management quality assessment at a construction enterprise. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, Volume 3, September 2020. P. 71-82 {in English}
6. Ryzhakova Galyna, Ivakhnenko Iryna, Chupryna Iurii (2021). Information-analytical support and organizational-structural regulation of operational activity of enterprises: economic evaluation and construction of management systems. Management of development of complex systems, 46, 91–99; dx.doi.org\10.32347/2412-9933.2021.46.91-99.
7. Honcharenko T., Ryzhakova G., Borodavka Y. Method for representing spatial information of topological relations based on a multidimensional data model ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciencesthis link is disabled, 2021, 16(7),
pp. 802–809.
8. Kulikov Petro, Ryzhakova Galyna, Honcharenko Tetyana, Ryzhakov Dmytro and Malykhina Oksana. OLAP-Tools for the Formation of Connected and Diversified Production and Project Management Systems International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering. Vol 9, No.5, September – October 2020. рр. 8670–8676.
9. Рижакова Г. М., Малихіна О. М., Ручинська Ю. М., Петренко Г. С. Економіко-управлінські предиктори стратегічного девелопменту в умовах динамічного середовища впровадження проектів будівництва. Управління розвитком складних систем. Київ, 2019. № 39. С. 154–163; dx.doi.org\10.6084/m9.figshare.11340710.
10. Рижакова Г. М., Приходько Д. О., Предун К. М., Лугіна Т. С., Коваль Т. С. Моделі цільового вибору репрезентативних індикаторів діяльності будівельних підприємств: етимологія та типологія систем діагностики. Управління розвитком складних систем. Київ, 2017. № 32. С. 159–165.
11. Chernyshev D., Ryzhakov D., Dikiy O., Khomenko O., Petrukha S. Innovative technology for management tools of commercial real estate in construction. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Researchthis link is disabled. 2020, 8(9), pp. 4967–4973.
12. Ryzhakova Galyna, Malykhina Oksana, Rуzhаkov Dmуtrо. Risk-management in the system of management of integration processes as a component of modernization of Ukrainian economy. Management of Development of Complex Systems. 2018, 36, pp. 113–119.
13. Marchuk Tetyana. Identification of the basic elements of the innovation analytical platform for energy efficiency in project 20-financing. Investment Management and Financial Innovations. 2017. Vol. 14(4), P. 12. DOI:http://10.21511/imfi.14(4).2017.02.
14. Ryzhakova G., Chupryna K., Ivakhnenko I. Expert-analytical model of management quality assessment at a construction enterprise. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, Volume 3, September 2020. pp. 71–82.
1. Bughin, L., Catlin, T., Hirt, M., Willmot, P. (2018). Why digital strategies fall. McKinsey journal. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/digital-mckinsey/ourinsights/ why-digital-strategies-fail.
2. Andersson, L., Van der Heyden, L. (2017). Directing Digitalisation: Guidelines for Boards and Executives. [Electronic resource] URL: http://www.thisfluidworld.com/wp-content/ uploads/2017/ 02/Corporate-governance-February-2017.pdf
3. Official website of the State Statistics Service. Use of information and communication technologies at enterprises: e-commerce, analysis of "big data", experts and skills in the field of ICT, use of 3D printing. URL: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/
4. Strutynska, I. V. (2020). Digital transformation as an imperative for innovative development of business structures: DSc thesis: 08.00.04. Zaporizhia National University, Zaporizhia, 43.
5. Ryzhakova, G., Chupryna, K., Ivakhnenko, I. (2020). Expert-analytical model of management quality assessment at a construction enterprise. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 3, 71–82.
6. Ryzhakova, Galyna, Ivakhnenko, Iryna, Chupryna, Iurii. (2021). Information-analytical support and organizational-structural regulation of operational activity of enterprises: economic evaluation and construction of management systems. Management of development of complex systems, 46, 91–99; dx.doi.org\10.32347/2412-9933.2021.46.91-99.
7. Honcharenko, T., Ryzhakova, G., Borodavka, Y. (2021). Method for representing spatial information of topological relations based on a multidimensional data model ARPN. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciencesthis link is disabled, 16(7), 802–809.
8. Kulikov, Petro, Ryzhakova, Galyna, Honcharenko, Tetyana, Ryzhakov, Dmytro & Malykhina, Oksana. (2020). OLAP-Tools for the Formation of Connected and Diversified Production and Project Management Systems. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9, 5, 8670–8676.
9. Ryzhakova, Galyna, Malykhina, Oksana, Ruchynska, Yulia & Petrenko, Anna. (2019). Economic and managerial predictors of strategic development in a dynamic environment of construction projects implementation. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 39, 154–163; dx.doi.org\10.6084/m9.figshare.11340710.
10. Ryzhakova, Galyna, Prykhodko, Dmitry, Predun, Konstantin, Lugyna, Tatyana & Koval, Timur. (2017). Models of target selection of representative indicators of activities of construction enterprises: the etymology and typology of systems of diagnostics. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 32, 159–165.
11. Chernyshev, D., Ryzhakov, D., Dikiy, O., Khomenko, O., Petrukha, S. (2020). Innovative technology for management tools of commercial real estate in construction. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 8(9), 4967–4973.
12. Ryzhakova, Galyna, Malykhina, Oksana, Rуzhаkov, Dmуtrо. (2018). Risk-management in the system of management of integration processes as a component of modernization of Ukrainian economy. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 36, 113–119.
13. Marchuk, Tetyana. (2017). Identification of the basic elements of the innovation analytical platform for energy efficiency in project 20-financing. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 14(4), 12. DOI:http://10.21511/imfi.14(4).2017.02.
14. Ryzhakova, G., Chupryna, K., Ivakhnenko, I. (2020). Expert-analytical model of management quality assessment at a construction enterprise. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, 3, 71–82.