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1. World Investment Report 2021: Investing in Sustainable Recovery WIR 2021 (unctad.org).
2. Paulk, M. C. (2002). Agile Methodologies and Process Discipline. The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, 15–18. DOI:10.1184/R1/6620972.V1.
3. Santos, C., Araújo, M. (2016). Requirements for a project evaluation and selection methodology. 3rd International Conference on Project Evaluation ICOPEV, Guimarães, Portugal, pp. 49-52
4. Taweel, A., Delaney, B., Arvanitis, T. N., Zhao, L. (2009). Communication, Knowledge and Co-ordination Management in Globally Distributed Software Development: Informed by a scientific Software Engineering Case Study. 4th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering. Limerick, Ireland, 13–16 July 2009, Pp. 370–375. DOI: 10.1109/ICGSE.2009.58.
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7. Sharp, J. H., Ryan, S. D. (2011). Global Agile Team Configuration. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 7, 1, 120–134. URL: http://www.digitalcommons.www.na-businesspress.com/JSIS/SharpWeb.pd
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12. Joslin, R., Müller, R. (2016). The impact of project methodologies on project success in different project environments. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 9(2), 364–88. DOI.org/10.1108/IJMPB - 03 - 2015 - 0025
13. Huemann, M., Silvius, G. (2017). Projects to create the future: Managing projects meets sustainable development. Int J Proj Manag.,35, 1066–70.
14. Silva V. B., Schramm, F. S. & Damasceno, A. C. (2016). A multicriteria approach for selection of agile methodologies in software development projects. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Budapest, Hungary, 2056-2060. https://doi.org/10.1109/SMC.2016.7844542]
15. Hernández, Ledesma Gil, Ramos, Erik Fernández, Carlos, Aguilar Cisneros, Jorge, Rosas-Sumano Juan & Morales-Ignacio, Luis. (2017). Selection of Best Software Engineering Practices: A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach. Research in Computing Science, 136(136), 47-60. https://doi.org/10.13053/rcs-136-1-4
16. Seniv, M. M. (2021). Tool for choosing method of development of soft using metrics of the project. Naukovyy visnyk NLTU Ukrayiny, 31(3), 120-125. https://doi.org/10.36930/40310318
17. Victor, M. & Upadhyay, N. (2011). Selection of Software Testing Technique: A Multi Criteria Decision Making Approach. In: Nagamalai, D., Renault, E., & Dhanuskodi, M. (Eds.). Trends in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology. CCSEIT 2011. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 204, 453-462. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-24043-0_46
18. Kononenko, I. V. & Lutsenko, S. Yu. (2017). Method for selection of project management approach based on fuzzy concepts. Bulletin of NTU "KhPI". Series: Strategic management, portfolio, program and project management, 2(1224), 8-17. https://doi.org/10.20998/2413-3000.2017.1224.2
19. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). (2017). Sixth Edition, Project Management Institute.
20. Min, Li. (2019). Use of angile methodology for participating joint international scientific projects. Management of development of complex systems, 38, 103–110. dx.doi.org\10.6084/m9.figshare.9788555.
21. Snowden, D. J., Boone, M. E. (2007) A Leader’s Framework of Decision Making. Harvard Business Review, 69–76.
Williams, B., Hummelbrunner, R. (2011) Systems Concepts in Action: A Practitioner's Toolkit. Stanford, Stanford University Press.