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12. A Review of the Top Chatbot Tools for Higher Education. URL: https://www.enrollify.org/blog/a-review-of-the-top-chatbot-tools-for-higher-education#:~:text=Chatbots%20are%20geared%20toward%20connecting,services%20and%20even%20test%20prep. (дата звернення 17.02.2022).
13. У ХНЕУ розробили чат-бот, який допоможе підготуватися до ЗНО. URL: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/news/u-hneu-rozrobili-chat-bot-yakij-dopomozhe-pidgotuvatisya-do-zno (дата звернення 17.02.2022).
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5. Lee, H. Zo, Lee, H. (2014). Smart learning adoption in employees and HRD managers. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(6), 1082–1096.
6. Kim, S., Song, S. M., Yoon, Y. I. (2011). Smart learning services based on smart cloud computing. Sensors, 11(8), 7835–7850.
7. Daniel, J. (2012). Making sense of MOOCs: musings in a maze of myth, paradox and possibility. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 3, Art-18.
8. Bruce, B. C., Levin, J. A. (1997). Educational technology: media for inquiry, communication, construction, and expression. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 17(1), 79–102.
9. Goodman, S. (2003). Teaching youth media: A critical guide to literacy, video production and social change.
10. Meyer, B. B., Latham, N. (2008). Implementing electronic portfolios: benefits, challenges, and suggestions. EDUCAUSE, 31(1), 34–41.
11. “Why is Education Industry opting for AI Chatbots? How Are They Benefiting It?”. URL: https://botsify.com/blog/education-industry-chatbot/.
12. A Review of the Top Chatbot Tools for Higher Education. URL: https://www.enrollify.org/blog/a-review-of-the-top-chatbot-tools-for-higher-education#:~:text=Chatbots%20are%20geared%20toward%20connecting,services%20and%20even%20test%20prep.
13. KhNEU has developed a chatbot to help prepare for the external evaluation. URL: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/news/u-hneu-rozrobili-chat-bot-yakij-dopomozhe-pidgotuvatisya-do-zno.
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