Метод визначення атрибуції друкованих документів
1. Piatetsky-Shapiro G. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery – 1996 to 2005: Overcoming the Hype and moving from "University" to "Business" and "Analytics": Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal, 2007. 365 p.
2. Барсегян А. А., Куприянов М. С., Степаненко В. В., Холод И. И. Технологии анализа данных: Data Mining, Viual Mining, Text Mining, OLAP: Спб.: БХВ-Петербург, 2007. 384с.
3. Башмаков А. И. Интеллектуальные информационные технологии: Учеб. пособие. Москва : Изд-во МГТУ им. Баумана, 2005. 304 с.
4. Ландэ Д.В. Поиск знаний в Internet. Профессиональная работа, Москва : ООО "Вильямс", 2005. 272 с.
5. Walter L., Radauer A., Moehrle M. The beauty of brimstone butterfly: novelty of patents identified by near environment analysis based on text mining. Scientometrics (en), 2017. 111 (1). p. 103–115.
6. Roll U., Correia R. A., Berger-Tal O. Using machine learning to disentangle homonyms in large text corpora. Conservation Biology (en), 2018. 32 (3). p. 716–724.
7. Ramiro H. G., Agustín G. Assessing the usefulness of online message board mining in automatic stock prediction systems. Journal of Computational Science, 2017. 19.
8. Renganathan V. Text Mining in Biomedical Domain with Emphasis on Document Clustering. Healthcare Informatics Research, 2017. 23 (3). p. 141–146.
9. Chang W. L., Tay K. M., Lim C. P. A New Evolving Tree-Based Model with Local Re-learning for Document Clustering and Visualization. Neural Processing Letters, 2017. 46. p. 379–409.
10. Paltoglou G., Thelwall M. Unsupervised Sentiment Analysis in Social Media. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), 2012. p. 66.
11. Advego Plagiatus – перевірка унікальності тексту. URL: www.advego.com/plagiatus/ (дата звернення: 25.08.2022).
12. Он-лайн сервіс провірки тексту на унікальність. URL:www.text.ruwww.advego.com/plagiatus/.(дата звернення: 25.08.2022).
13. Антиплагіатна Інтернет-система. URL: http://strikeplagiarism.com/ua/antiplagiarism-system/(дата звернення: 25.08.2022) 14.
14. Програма для порівняння текстів «Shingles Expert». URL: http://makebusiness.ru/seo/37 (дата звернення: 25.08.2022)
15. Zubrytskyi A. Yu. Intellectual system of text research and analysis . Master's thesis - national technical university of Ukraine "Ihory Sikors'koho Kyiv polytechnic institute", 2019. № 31.
16. Ландэ Д.В. Поиск знаний в Internet. Профессиональная работа. Москва : ИД “Вильямс”, 2005. 272 с.
1. Piatetsky-Shapiro, G. (2007). Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery – 1996 to 2005: Overcoming the Hype and moving from "University" to "Business" and "Analytics". Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal, 365.
2. Barsehian, A. A., Kupryianov, M. S., Stepanenko, V. V., Kholod, Y. Y. (2007). Tekhnolohiiof data analisys: Data Mining, Viual Mining, Text Mining, OLAP: Spb.: BKhV-Peterburh, 384.
3. Bashmakov, A. Y. (2005). Intellectual information technologies: Textbook. Moscow: Publ. MHTU im. Baumana, 304.
4. Lande, D. V. (2005). Data search in the internet. Professional work. Moscow: OOO "Williams", 272.
5. Walter, L., Radauer, A., Moehrle, M. (2017). The beauty of brimstone butterfly: novelty of patents identified by near environment analysis based on text mining. Scientometrics, 111 (1), 103–115.
6. Roll, U., Correia, R. A., Berger-Tal, O. (2018). Using machine learning to disentangle homonyms in large text corpora. Conservation Biology, 32 (3), 716–724.
7. Ramiro, H. G., Agustín, G. (2017). Assessing the usefulness of online message board mining in automatic stock prediction systems. Journal of Computational Science, 19.
8. Renganathan, V. (2017). Text Mining in Biomedical Domain with Emphasis on Document Clustering. Healthcare Informatics Research, 23 (3), 141–146.
9. Chang, W. L., Tay, K. M., Lim, C. P. (2017). A New Evolving Tree-Based Model with Local Re-learning for Document Clustering and Visualization. Neural Processing Letters, 46, 379–409.
10. Paltoglou, G., Thelwall, M. (2012). Unsupervised Sentiment Analysis in Social Media. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), 66.
11. Advego Plagiatus – perevirka unikalnosti tekstu [electronic source]. www.advego.com/plagiatus/
12. On-lain servis provirky tekstu na unikalnist [electronic source]. www.text.ruwww.advego.com/plagiatus/
13. Antyplahiatna Internet-systema [electronic source]. http://strikeplagiarism.com/ua/antiplagiarism-system/
14. Prohrama dlia porivniannia tekstiv «Shingles Expert» [electronic source]. http://makebusiness.ru/seo/37
15. Zubrytskyi, A. Yu. (2019). Intellectual system of text research and analysis. Master's thesis – national technical university of Ukraine "Ihor Sikors'ky Kyiv polytechnic institute", 31.
16. Lande D. V. (2005). Search for knowledge on the Internet. Professional work. Moscow: Publishing
House “Williams”, 272 p.