Ціннісно-орієнтований проактивний менеджмент у командах високотехнологічних проєктів
1. P2M: A guidebook of Program & Project Management for Enterprise Innovation. Third edition, 2017, 366 p.
2. Бушуев С. Д., Бушуева Н. С., Бабаев И. А. и др. Креативные технологии в управлении проектами и программами. Киев: Саммит книга, 2010. 768 с.
3. Керівництво з управління інноваційними проектами і програмами Р2М. Т. 1. Версія 1.2. / пер. з англ: за ред. проф. Ф. О. Ярошенко. Київ: Новий друк, 2010, 160 с.
4. Ярошенко Ф. А., Бушуев С. Д., Танака Х. Управление инновационными проектами и программами на основе системы знаний Р2М: монография. Киев: Саммит книга, 2011. 268 с.
5. Bushuyev S., Murzabekova A., Murzabekova S., Khusainova M. Develop breakthrough competence of project managers based on entrepreneurship energy Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT 2017.
6. Davis, F. D., Bagozzi, P. R., Warshaw P. User acceptance of computer technology: A comparison of two theoretical models, Management Science, 1989, 35 982 1003.
7. Davis, F. D. “Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology,” MIS Quarterly (13:3), 1989, pp. 319–339.
8. Tanji, N., Tanaka, H. & Bushuyev, S. D. (2014). Benchmarking the state-of-the-art information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure supporting management of major-sized engineering and construction projects. Управління розвитком складних систем (18 – 2014) ISSN 2219-5300 pp 11–16.
9. Bushuyev S. D. Bushuyev D. A., Bushuyeva V. B., Puziychuk A. V., Yakovenko V. B. Cognitive mechanisms of managing complex systems: monograph Kyiv, 2022–402 p.
10. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: A new Circular Economy Action Plan For a cleaner and more competitive Europe (2020). European Commission. Brussels. Available at: https://bit.ly/3rnvl0s.
11. Bocken, N. M., De Pauw, I., Bakker, C., & Van Der Grinten, B. (2016). Product design and business model strategies for a circular economy. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 33(5), 308–320.
12. Cockburn, A. (2000). Selecting a Project's Methodology. IEEE Software, 17(4), pp. 64–71.
13. Collier, Ken W. (2011). Agile Analytics: A Value-Driven Approach to Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing. Pearson Education. pp. 121 ff. ISBN 9780321669544. What is a self-organizing team?
14. Geissdoerfer, M. Savaget, P., Bocken, Nancy M.P. & Jan Hultink E. (2017). The Circular Economy – A New Sustainability Paradigm? Journal of Cleaner Production 143: 757–768. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.12.048.
15. Hart, J., Adams, K., Giesekam, J., Tingley, D. D., & Pomponi, F. (2019). Barriers and drivers in a circular economy: the case of the built environment. Procedia Cirp, 80, 619–624.
16. Ethical Corporation (2019). Circular Economy Briefing. Responsible Business Summit Europe 2020. Reuters Events
17. Kalmykova, Y., Sadagopan, M., & Rosado, L. (2018). Circular economy–From a review of theories and practices to the development of implementation tools. Resources, conservation and recycling, 135, 190–201.
18. Korhonen, J., Honkasalo, A., & Seppälä, J. (2018). Circular economy: the concept and its limitations. Ecological economics, 143, 37–46.
19. Lewandowski, M. (2016). Designing the business models for circular economy – Towards the conceptual framework. Sustainability, 8(1), 43.
20. Larman, Craig, (2004). Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager's Guide. Addison-Wesley. p. 27. ISBN 978-0-13-111155-4.
21. Lüdeke Freund, F., Gold, S., & Bocken, N. M. (2019). A review and typology of circular economy business model patterns. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 23(1), 36–61.
22. Planing, P. (2015). Business model innovation in a circular economy reason for the non-acceptance of circular business models. Open journal of business model innovation, 1(11), 1–11.
23. Schroeder, P., Anggraeni, K., & Weber, U. (2019). The relevance of circular economy practices to sustainable development goals. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 23(1), 77–95.
24. IPMA Organisational Competence Baseline (IPMA OCB). (2013). IPMA, 67p.
25. Bushuyev, S., Kozyr, B., Zapryvoda, A., (2019). Nonlinear strategic management of infrastructure programs. Innovative Technologies and Scientific Solutions for Industries, No. 4 (10), P. 14–23.
26. Bushuyev, S., Murzabekova, A., Murzabekova, S., Khusainova, M. Develop breakthrough competence of project managers based on entrepreneurship energy Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT 2017.
27. Bushuyev, S., Bushuyev, D., Rogozina, V., Mikhieieva, O. Convergence of knowledge in project management 2015 Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, IDAACS 2015.
1. P2M: A guidebook of Program & Project Management for Enterprise Innovation. (2017). Third edition. 366.
2. Bushuev, S. D., Bushueva, N. S., Babaev, I. A. et al. (2010). Creative technologies in the management of projects and programs. Kyiv: Summit Book, 768.
3. Guidelines for the management of innovative projects and P2M programs. (2010). T. 1. Version 1.2. / trans. from English: edited by Prof. F. O. Yaroshenko. Kyiv: Novy Druk, 160.
4. Yaroshenko, F. A., Bushuev, S. D., Tanaka, H. (2011). Management of innovative projects and programs based on the P2M knowledge system: monograph. Kyiv: Summit Book, 268.
5. Bushuyev, S., Murzabekova, A., Murzabekova, S., Khusainova, M. (2017). Develop breakthrough competence of project managers based on entrepreneurship energy. Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT 2017.
6. Davis, F. D., Bagozzi, P. R., Warshaw P. (1989). User acceptance of computer technology: A comparison of two theoretical models. Management Science, 35, 982-1003.
7. Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology. MIS Quarterly, 13:3, 319–339.
8. Tanji, N., Tanaka, H. & Bushuyev, S. D. (2014). Benchmarking the state-of-the-art information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure supporting management of major-sized engineering and construction projects. Management of development of complex systems, 18, 11–16.
9. Bushuyev, S. D., Bushuyev, D. A., Bushuyeva, V. B. Puziichuk, A. B., Yakovenko V. B. (2022). Cognitive mechanizms of management of complex systems: monograph. Kyiv, 402.
10. с. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: A new Circular Economy Action Plan For a cleaner and more competitive Europe (2020). European Commission. Brussels. Available at: https://bit.ly/3rnvl0s.
11. Bocken, N. M., De Pauw, I., Bakker, C. & Van Der Grinten, B. (2016). Product design and business model strategies for a circular economy. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 33(5), 308–320.
12. Cockburn, A. (2000). Selecting a Project's Methodology. IEEE Software, 17(4), 64–71.
13. Collier, Ken W. (2011). Agile Analytics: A Value-Driven Approach to Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing. Pearson Education, 121. ISBN 9780321669544.
14. Geissdoerfer, M. Savaget, P., Bocken, Nancy, M. P. & Jan, Hultink E. (2017). The Circular Economy – A New Sustainability Paradigm? Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, 757–768. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.12.048.
15. Hart, J., Adams, K., Giesekam, J., Tingley, D. D. & Pomponi, F. (2019). Barriers and drivers in a circular economy: the case of the built environment. Procedia Cirp, 80, 619–624.
16. Ethical Corporation. (2019). Circular Economy Briefing. Responsible Business Summit Europe 2020. Reuters Events
17. Kalmykova, Y., Sadagopan, M. & Rosado, L. (2018). Circular economy–From a review of theories and practices to the development of implementation tools. Resources, conservation and recycling, 135, 190–201.
18. Korhonen, J., Honkasalo, A. & Seppälä, J. (2018). Circular economy: the concept and its limitations. Ecological economics, 143, 37–46.
19. Lewandowski, M. (2016). Designing the business models for circular economy – Towards the conceptual framework. Sustainability, 8(1), 43.
20. Larman, Craig. (2004). Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager's Guide. Addison-Wesley, 27. ISBN 978-0-13-111155-4.
21. Lüdeke Freund, F., Gold, S. & Bocken, N. M. (2019). A review and typology of circular economy business model patterns. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 23(1), 36–61.
22. Planing, P. (2015). Business model innovation in a circular economy reason for the non-acceptance of circular business models. Open journal of business model innovation, 1(11), 1–11.
23. Schroeder, P., Anggraeni, K. & Weber, U. (2019). The relevance of circular economy practices to sustainable development goals. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 23(1), 77–95.
24. IPMA Organisational Competence Baseline (IPMA OCB). (2013). IPMA, 67.
25. Bushuyev, S., Kozyr, B., Zapryvoda, A. (2019). Nonlinear strategic management of infrastructure programs. Innovative Technologies and Scientific Solutions for Industries, 4 (10), 14–23.
26. Bushuyev, S., Murzabekova, A., Murzabekova, S., Khusainova, M. (2017). Develop breakthrough competence of project managers based on entrepreneurship energy. Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT 2017.
27. Bushuyev, S., Bushuyev, D., Rogozina, V., Mikhieieva, O. (2015). Convergence of knowledge in project management 2015 Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, IDAACS 2015.