Аналіз програмного забезпечення для створення програм керування мобільних роботів
1. Banyasad, Omid. (2000). A Visual Programming Environment for Autonomous Robots.
2. Na, Liu, Gerasin, Oleksandr, Topalov, Andrіy & Karpechenko, Anton. (2021). Analysis of tasks of monitoring and automatic control of agricultural mobile robot. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 47, 174–179, dx.doi.org\10.32347/2412-9933.2021.47.174-179.
3. Gerasin, O. S. (2014). The analysis of features multi-purpose mobile robots. Scientific papers. Computer Technology Series, 50, 238, 25–32. [in Ukrainian].
4. Kozlov, O. V., Gerasin, O. S., Kondratenko, G. V. (2017). Complex of tasks of monitoring and automatic control of mobile robots for vertical movement. International Journal “SHIPBUILDING & MARINE INFRASTRUCTURE”, 2(8), 77–87.
5. Morozovskiy, V. T. (1970). Multi-loop automatic control systems, Moscow, Energiya Publisher, 288. [in Russian].
6. Topalov, A. M. (2022). Analysis of microelectronic digital devices for collecting, processing and transmitting data to robotic systems. Materials of the all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students "Information technologies in education, technology and industry" on October 13, Ivano-Frankivsk, 117–119.
7. Portsmore, M. (1999). ROBOLAB: Intuitive Robotic Programming Software to Support Life Long Learning. APPLE Learning Technology Review..
8. Biggs, G., MacDonald, B. (2003). A survey of robot programming systems. Proceedings of the Australasian conference on robotics and automation, P. 1–3.
9. Simpson, Jonathan, Jacobsen, Christian L., Jadud, Matthew C. (2006). Mobile robot control. Communicating Process Architectures, 225.
10. Simpson, Jonathan, Jacobsen, Christian L. (2008). Visual Process-Oriented Programming for Robotics. CPA, 365–380.
11. Posso, Jeremy C., Sampson, Adam T., Simpson, Jonathan. (2011). Process-Oriented Subsumption Architectures in Swarm Robotic Systems. CPA, 303–316.
12. Simpson, Jonathan, Ritson, Carl, Toward, G. (2009). Process Architectures for Behavioural Robotics. CPA, 375–386.
13. Brooks, Rodney [et all]. (1986). A robust layered control system for a mobile robot. Robotics and Automation, IEEE Journal, 2, 1, 14–23.
14. Connell, Jonathan H. (1989). A colony architecture for an artificial creature: Tech. Rep.: DTIC Document.
15. Arkin, Ronald C. (1987). Motor schema based navigation for a mobile robot: An approach to programming by behavior. Robotics and Automation. Proceedings. 1987 IEEE International Conference on IEEE. Т. 4. 1987. P. 264–271.
16. Rosenblatt, Julio K. (1997). DAMN: A distributed architecture for mobile navigation. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 9, 2–3, 339–360.
17. Diprose, James P, MacDonald, Bruce A, Hosking, John G. (2011). Ruru: A spatial and interactive visual programming language for novice robot programming. Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), 2011 IEEE Symposium on IEEE. 2011. P. 25–32.
18. Johnston ,Wesley M., Hanna, JR, Millar, Richard J. (2004). Advances in dataflow programming languages. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 36, 1, 1–34.
19. Hils, Daniel D. (1992). Visual languages and computing survey: Data flow visual programming languages. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 3, 1, 69–101.
20. Powers, Kris, Gross, Paul, Cooper, Steve. (2006). Tools for teaching introductory programming: what works? ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 38, 560–561.
21. Kodosky, Jeffrey, MacCrisken, Jack, Rymar Gary. (1991). Visual programming using structured data flow. Visual Languages, 1991, Proceedings. 1991 IEEE Workshop on / IEEE. Р. 34–39.
22. Gomez-de Gabriel, Jesús M., Mandow, Anthony, Fernandez-Lozano, Jesús. (2011). Using LEGO NXT Mobile Robots With LabVIEW for Undergraduate Courses on Mechatronics. IEEE Trans. Educ., 54, 1, 41–47.
23. Jackson, Jared. (2007). Microsoft robotics studio: A technical introduction. Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE, 14, 4, 82–87.
24. Kelly, James Floyd. (2010). Lego Mindstorms NXT-G Programming Guide. Apress.
25. Cyr, Martha. (2001). Robolab N. Software Reference Guide. Moscow: INT [translation].
26. Lytvynov, Yu. V., Kirylenko, Ya. A. (2015). TRIK Studio: an environment for teaching programming with the use of robots. V All-Russian conference "Modern technological education: from computer to work" (collection of theses), р. 5–7.
27. Robot Pro URL:https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/robo-pro-coding/id1569643514
28. Robot Operating System, URL: http://www.ros.org/
29. Resnick, M., Maloney, J., Monroy-Hern´andez, Scratch A. (2009). Programming for all. Communications of the ACM, 52, 11, 60–67.
30. Araujo, Hernando León, Agudelo, Jesús Gulfo, Crawford, Richard, Vidal, Jorge, Ardila, Uribe. (2022). Autonomous Mobile Robot Implemented in LEGO EV3 Integrated with Raspberry Pi to Use Android-Based Vision Control Algorithms for Human-Machine Interaction. Machines, 10(3), 193.
31. Dong, C., Povorozniuk, O., Topalov, A., Wang, K., Chen, Z. (2023). Development of the control system for LEGO Mindstorms EV3 mobile robot based on MATLAB/Simulink elements. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1 (2 (69)), 30–35. doi: https://doi.org/10.15587/27065448.2023.274846.
32. Oltean, S. E. (2019). Mobile Robot Platform with Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi for Autonomous Navigation. Procedia Manufacturing, 32, 572–577.
1. Banyasad, Omid. (2000). A Visual Programming Environment for Autonomous Robots.
2. Na, Liu, Gerasin, Oleksandr, Topalov, Andrіy & Karpechenko, Anton. (2021). Analysis of tasks of monitoring and automatic control of agricultural mobile robot. Management of Development of Complex Systems, 47, 174–179, dx.doi.org\10.32347/2412-9933.2021.47.174-179.
3. Gerasin, O. S. (2014). The analysis of features multi-purpose mobile robots. Scientific papers. Computer Technology Series, 50, 238, 25–32. [in Ukrainian].
4. Kozlov, O. V., Gerasin, O. S., Kondratenko, G. V. (2017). Complex of tasks of monitoring and automatic control of mobile robots for vertical movement. International Journal “SHIPBUILDING & MARINE INFRASTRUCTURE”, 2(8), 77–87.
5. Morozovskiy, V. T. (1970). Multi-loop automatic control systems, Moscow, Energiya Publisher, 288. [in Russian].
6. Topalov, A. M. (2022). Analysis of microelectronic digital devices for collecting, processing and transmitting data to robotic systems. Materials of the all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students "Information technologies in education, technology and industry" on October 13, Ivano-Frankivsk, 117–119.
7. Portsmore, M. (1999). ROBOLAB: Intuitive Robotic Programming Software to Support Life Long Learning. APPLE Learning Technology Review..
8. Biggs, G., MacDonald, B. (2003). A survey of robot programming systems. Proceedings of the Australasian conference on robotics and automation, P. 1–3.
9. Simpson, Jonathan, Jacobsen, Christian L., Jadud, Matthew C. (2006). Mobile robot control. Communicating Process Architectures, 225.
10. Simpson, Jonathan, Jacobsen, Christian L. (2008). Visual Process-Oriented Programming for Robotics. CPA, 365–380.
11. Posso, Jeremy C., Sampson, Adam T., Simpson, Jonathan. (2011). Process-Oriented Subsumption Architectures in Swarm Robotic Systems. CPA, 303–316.
12. Simpson, Jonathan, Ritson, Carl, Toward, G. (2009). Process Architectures for Behavioural Robotics. CPA, 375–386.
13. Brooks, Rodney [et all]. (1986). A robust layered control system for a mobile robot. Robotics and Automation, IEEE Journal, 2, 1, 14–23.
14. Connell, Jonathan H. (1989). A colony architecture for an artificial creature: Tech. Rep.: DTIC Document.
15. Arkin, Ronald C. (1987). Motor schema based navigation for a mobile robot: An approach to programming by behavior. Robotics and Automation. Proceedings. 1987 IEEE International Conference on IEEE. Т. 4. 1987. P. 264–271.
16. Rosenblatt, Julio K. (1997). DAMN: A distributed architecture for mobile navigation. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 9, 2–3, 339–360.
17. Diprose, James P, MacDonald, Bruce A, Hosking, John G. (2011). Ruru: A spatial and interactive visual programming language for novice robot programming. Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), 2011 IEEE Symposium on IEEE. 2011. P. 25–32.
18. Johnston ,Wesley M., Hanna, JR, Millar, Richard J. (2004). Advances in dataflow programming languages. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 36, 1, 1–34.
19. Hils, Daniel D. (1992). Visual languages and computing survey: Data flow visual programming languages. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 3, 1, 69–101.
20. Powers, Kris, Gross, Paul, Cooper, Steve. (2006). Tools for teaching introductory programming: what works? ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 38, 560–561.
21. Kodosky, Jeffrey, MacCrisken, Jack, Rymar Gary. (1991). Visual programming using structured data flow. Visual Languages, 1991, Proceedings. 1991 IEEE Workshop on / IEEE. Р. 34–39.
22. Gomez-de Gabriel, Jesús M., Mandow, Anthony, Fernandez-Lozano, Jesús. (2011). Using LEGO NXT Mobile Robots With LabVIEW for Undergraduate Courses on Mechatronics. IEEE Trans. Educ., 54, 1, 41–47.
23. Jackson, Jared. (2007). Microsoft robotics studio: A technical introduction. Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE, 14, 4, 82–87.
24. Kelly, James Floyd. (2010). Lego Mindstorms NXT-G Programming Guide. Apress.
25. Cyr, Martha. (2001). Robolab N. Software Reference Guide. Moscow: INT [translation].
26. Lytvynov, Yu. V., Kirylenko, Ya. A. (2015). TRIK Studio: an environment for teaching programming with the use of robots. V All-Russian conference "Modern technological education: from computer to work" (collection of theses), р. 5–7.
27. Robot Pro URL:https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/robo-pro-coding/id1569643514
28. Robot Operating System, URL: http://www.ros.org/
29. Resnick, M., Maloney, J., Monroy-Hern´andez, Scratch A. (2009). Programming for all. Communications of the ACM, 52, 11, 60–67.
30. Araujo, Hernando León, Agudelo, Jesús Gulfo, Crawford, Richard, Vidal, Jorge, Ardila, Uribe. (2022). Autonomous Mobile Robot Implemented in LEGO EV3 Integrated with Raspberry Pi to Use Android-Based Vision Control Algorithms for Human-Machine Interaction. Machines, 10(3), 193.
31. Dong, C., Povorozniuk, O., Topalov, A., Wang, K., Chen, Z. (2023). Development of the control system for LEGO Mindstorms EV3 mobile robot based on MATLAB/Simulink elements. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1 (2 (69)), 30–35. doi: https://doi.org/10.15587/27065448.2023.274846.
32. Oltean, S. E. (2019). Mobile Robot Platform with Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi for Autonomous Navigation. Procedia Manufacturing, 32, 572–577.