Розроблено модель розподілу трудових ресурсів за особистісними характеристиками людини. Запропоновано новий підхід для розв'язання задачі розподілу. Проведено дослідження, яке реалізовує вирішення проблеми ефективного розподілу трудових ресурсів.
Разработана модель распределения трудовых ресурсов по личностным характеристикам человека. Предложен новый подход для решения задачи распределения. Проведено исследование, которое реализует решения проблемы эффективного распределения трудовых ресурсов.
Due to the continuing increase in the number of employees in various enterprises face the problem of their distribution. Problems of labor resources related to complex bahatoekstremalnyh problems. There is a problem of finding new methods of optimal allocation of human resources that will reduce the time of execution of work processes through increased efficiency and optimize the workforce. In order to solve this problem is proposed technology of labor resources based approach MAUT (Multi-Attribute Utility Theory) – a utilitarian theory of multiobjective ( multicriteria optimization). The main objective of this study is to create a model of labor resources by personal characteristics based approach MAUT. To do this, on the basis of the benefits of ATS to build decision rules for the organization, gaining a team to accomplish a task. This model is useful when the decision maker is just a group of N criteria and alternatives set or in part, or appear after the construction of decision rule. The scientific novelty of this study is that any time you create models and systems have not been considered as a basis for personality characteristics. The practicality of this study is that the formation of teams of employees criteria for their evaluation and decision rule for admission may already be defined in advance , but at the moment the resume has not been received. Based on the results of this study can also be implemented in software modules that allow you to automate the process of decision making.
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