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1. Brodskyy, L., Bushuev, E.Y, Voloshyn, V.Y., Kozlova, A.A., Parshyna, O.Y., Popov, M.A., Sablyna, V.Y., Sakhatskyy, A.Y., Syrotenko, A.V., Soukup, T., Stankevych, S.A., Tararyko, A.H. (2009). INTAS project on the development of an automated technology for the classification of terrestrial coverages: scientific tasks, main results and prospects. Space science and technology, 15, 2, 36–48.
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3. Bossard, M., Feranec, J., Otahel, J. (2000). The revised and supplemented Corine Land Cover nomenclature. Techn. Rept EEA, 38, 110.
4. O’Connor, Brian, Secades, Cristina, Penner, Johannes, Sonnenschein, Ruth, Skidmore, Andrew, Burgess, Neil D. & Hutton, Jon M. (2015). Earth observation as a tool for tracking progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 19–27.
5. Buttner, G., Feranec, J., Jaffrain, G., et al. (2004). The CORINE Land Cover 2000 Project. EARSeL Proceedings, 3(3), 331–346.
6. Defourny et al. (2008). Accuracy Assessment of a 300 M Global Land Cover Map: the GlobCover Experience P. Defourny, L. Schouten, S. Bartalev, S. Bontemps, P. Caccetta, A.J.W. De Wit, C. Di Bella, et al.
7. Fritz et al. (2009). S. Fritz, I. McCallum, C. Schill, C. Perger, R. Grillmayer, F. Achard, F. Kraxner, M. Obersteiner Geo-Wiki.Org: the use of crowdsourcing to improve global land cover Remote Sens., 1 (3), 345–354 http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs1030345
8. Feraneca, Jan, Hazeub, Gerard, Christensenc, Susan, Jaffraind, Gabriel. (2007). Corine land cover change detection in Europe (case studies of the Netherlands and Slovakia). Land Use Policy, 24, Issue 1, 234–247.
9. National Geomatics Center of China, 2014 National Geomatics Center of China 30 M Global Land Cover Data Product (GlobeLand30) (2014)
10. Pashynska, Nataliia, Snytyuk, Vitaliy, Putrenko, Viktor, Musienko, Andriy. (2016). A decision tree in a classification of fire hazard factors. Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies, 5, 10 (83), 32-37.
11. The thematic accuracy of Corine land cover 2000. Assessment using LUCAS (land use/cover area frame statistical survey) // Techn. Rept. EEA, 2006, 7, 85. – (www.eea.europa.eu).